
Results for Hampton

Hampton University Museum

Hampton University Museum established the first African American art collection in the world when it acquired two paintings by Henry O. Tanner in 1894. The Museum opened in 1868, corresponding with Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute’s opening. The enduring mission ...

Hampton Historic Site

Hampton National Historic Site records more than two centuries of economic and social change in the Chesapeake region. The Ridgely family began acquiring land north of Baltimore before the Revolutionary War, but only after American independence did Hampton become a ...

Hampton Academy

Dr. John Hampton, Benefactor

Hampton Academy replaced Plymouth Academy and other small schools as principal white school in Plymouth 1902-1922. Reopened as a primary school 1928-1958.

Plymouth Woman's Club acquired and preserved it in 1959 and sold it in 1999. Oldest ...

Hampton Park Terrace

(Front text)

Hampton Park Terrace, an early 20th-century planned suburb, was laid out in 1912 along

Huger Street between Rutledge and Hagood Aves. Its success coincided with the economic boom that following the

opening of the Charleston Navy Yard in ...

Hampton House

Not currently open to the public.

Built in 1953 and originally named Booker Terrace, the two story Hampton House was promoted as the social center of the South. The hotel had 20 rooms, a swimming pool, patio, restaurant and night club. ...

National Historic Landmark-Hampton Plantation

National Historic Landmark-Hampton Plantation

Erected in 1735, enlarged in 1757 and again in 1791, this building evolved from a modest frame structure built by a Huguenot settler into a large Georgian county house.

Courtesy National Park Service National Historic Landmarks

Photo courtesy Library ...

National Historic Landmark - Hampton Institute

Founded by the American Missionary Association to train selected young Black men and women to "teach and lead their people, first by example...." Hampton Normal and Industrial Institute opened in April 1868 with 2 teachers and 15 students; today, it ...

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Hampton Colored School

Constructed for black students,this

elementary school was built shortly

after Hampton County School District

purchased the land in the late 1920s.

Two of the school's alumni of the 1930's

and 1940s, brothers James F. and

Julius C. Fields achieved national

stature as actors, dancers, and

choreographers ...

Three Northampton Landmarks

Three miles west stands the third church of Hungars Parish, begun in 1742 and completed by 1751, one of two colonial churches remaining on Virginia's Eastern Shore. The parish built the glebe house or minister's residence, 5.5 miles west, about ...

Northampton County

Formed March 11, 1752 out of Bucks County. Named for Northamptonshire in England. Easton, county seat, was incorporated in 1789. County is noted as a leading center for the steel industry and for cement and slate production.

Marker is on South ...
