
Results for Joseph

Joseph, Oregon


The Nez Perce name for this area washah-un-sah-pah "big rocks lying scattered around."Today, Joseph is a town with homes, shops, and artisan galleries. The streets are 100 feet wide, originally built to accommodate a 4-horse team turnabout. South ...

St. Joseph's Mission, Idaho

Dedicated on Septermber 8, 1874 by Father Joseph Cataldo, this was the first Roman Catholic Misson among the Nez Perce.

This building is now privately owned and is not open to the public. It is a component of the Nez ...

Joseph Canyon Viewpoint, Oregon

Nez Perce called this area saq'nma, which means "long, rough canyon." This dramatic viewpoint on Oregon State Highway 3, about 38 miles north of Enterprise, shows where families of the Wallowa band made their winter camps, at the confluence of Joseph ...

Dr. Joseph Warren

Dr. Joseph Warren (1741-1775) came from an average middle-class farming family not far from Boston. He attended school and then at the age of fourteen he went to Harvard and graduated with his medical degree. It is through being a ...

Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin (1842-1924) was born and raised in Boston by a mixed race family. Her family was religious, her father helped found a Boston Zion church. The family was also considered one of the most well off and ...

Joseph Dixon Residence

In 1891, Joseph Dixon, a twenty-four year-old North Carolina native and recent college graduate, wrote a letter to his father’s cousin Frank Woody, who practiced law in the small frontier town of Missoula, Montana, asking if he could work under ...

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Joseph P. Winston House

Built in 1873-74 for successful wholesale grocer Joseph P. Winston, this three-story house in downtown Richmond features one of the city’s most elaborate and unique cast-iron porches. The Joseph P. Winston House is one of the few remaining 19th-century residential ...

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

"Hear me my Chiefs, I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."

With these words, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce surrendered to Colonel Nelson A. Miles of ...

Joseph Blancpain's French Trading Post

French trader Joseph Blancpain established a trading post in this vicinity in August 1754. He had been living in Natchitoches, Louisiana, where he was the owner of a mercantile store.

With a small group of men, Blancpain arrived in August and ...

Gov. Joseph A. Wright

Gov. Jos. A. Wright

1810 — 1867

Atty. In Rockville 1829 – 1849

Gov. Of Indiana 1949 – 1857

Minister of U.S.A. to Prussia

Parke Co. Historical Society

Marker can be reached from Old 36 Road (County Route 168) west of Neysville ...
