
Results for Lee's Retreat

Lee's Retreat

Near here General Robert E. Lee, moving south toward Danville, in the afternoon of April 5, 1865 found the road blocked by General Phillip Henry Sheridan.

He then turned westward by way of Amelia Springs, hoping to reach the South ...

Lee's Retreat

Lee's army, retreating toward Danville, reached this place, April 4-5, 1865, only to find that the supplies ordered here had gone on to Richmond. The famished soldiers were forced to halt to forage. The result was that Lee, when he ...

Lee's Retreat

Two miles north are the battlefields of Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865. There Grant captured more men than were captured in any other one day's field engagement of the war.

Marker is on Holly Farms Road (County Route 307) west of ...

Lee's Retreat

Three miles north is Amelia Springs, once a noted summer resort. There Lee, checked by Sheridan at Jetersville and forced to detour, spent the night of April 5-6, 1865.

Marker is at the intersection of Patrick Henry Highway (U.S. 360) and ...

Lee's Retreat

From here Union cavalry moved north on April 5, 1865 to ascertain Lee's whereabouts. On the morning of April 6, the Second, Fifth and Sixth corps of Grant's army advanced from Jetersville toward Amelia Courthouse to attack Lee.

Marker is at ...

Lee's Retreat

Sheridan reached here on April 4, 1865 with cavalry and the Fifth Corps, and entrenched. He was thus squarely across Lee's line of retreat to Danville. On April 5, Grant and Meade arrived from the east with the Second Corps ...

Lee's Retreat

After evacuating Petersburg and Richmond on 2-3 Apr. 1865, Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia retreated west to Amelia Court House to obtain supplies and then turn south to North Carolina. On 6 Apr., however, when Maj. Gen. ...

Lee's Retreat

Two miles north are the battlefields of Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865. There Grant captured more men than were captured in any other one day's field engagement of the war.

Marker is on Holly Farms Road (County Route 307) west of ...
