
Results for Lewis Clark Interpretive Center

Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center at Cape Disappointment State Park

In the fall of 1805, after navigating their canoes through weeks of cold rain and fog, the Corps of Discovery reached the mouth of the Columbia River.

The entry William Clark jotted down in the notebook, which he kept ready ...

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Fort Mandan and the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center

Lewis & Clark’s Corps of Discovery spent the winter of 1804 – 1805 in Fort Mandan, an encampment they built along the Missouri River that they named after the people of the Mandan Nation. This was an important time for ...

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Missouri River Basin Lewis and Clark Visitor and Interpretive Center

Almost all 4,000 miles of the Lewis and Clark expedition’s journey, from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, occurred on waterways. Rivers were the superhighways across North America in the early 1800s.

The Corps of Discovery began its quest on ...

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Sioux City Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center

The Sioux City Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center commemorates the Corps of Discovery’s time in the present-day Sioux City, Iowa, area in August 1804.  At the center of the story is the August 20th death of Sargent Charles Floyd, the ...

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Lewis Clark Interpretive Center

"We commence building our cabins."

- William Clark, November 3, 1804

That simple journal entry marked the construction of Fort Mandan, the Corps of Discovery's winter home from 1804-1805. Through the winter, Lewis & Clark interviewed members of the nearby Mandan-Hidatsa ...

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Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center

Embark on your own “voyage of discovery” at the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center in Great Falls, Montana. Operated by the USDA Forest Service, the Center was built in 1998 on the bluffs overlooking the Missouri River, ...

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