
Results for Lincoln Memorial



Abraham Lincoln was assassinated just after the end of the Civil War on April 14, 1865. By March of 1867, Congress incorporated the Lincoln Monument Association to build a memorial to the slain 16th President.

Abraham Lincoln, the ...

Marian Anderson’s Outfit at 1939 Concert at the Lincoln Memorial.

On April 9, 1939, a crowd of more than 75,000 people gathered along the National Mall’s reflecting pool for an impromptu concert organized by the NAACP and the Department of the Interior. Before them, on the steps of the Lincoln ...

Lincoln Memorial National Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial National Memorial honors the 16th and perhaps greatest president of the United States, and symbolizes his belief in the freedom and dignity of all people. Lincoln saved the Union, but in doing so, he also preserved ...

National Historic Landmark - Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, lived on this land in southern Indiana for 14 years, growing from a boy to a young man. He used his hands and his back to help carve a farm ...

Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial stands at the west end of the National Mall as a neoclassical monument to the 16th President. The memorial, designed by Henry Bacon, after ancient Greek temples, stands 190 feet long, 119 feet wide, and almost 100 ...

Lincoln National Memorial Highway

From the site of the Lincoln cabin on the Sangamon three miles south of here, to the Wabash River opposite Vincennes, the Lincoln National Memorial Highway follows substantially the route taken by the Lincoln family in their migration from Indiana ...

Lincoln Memorial Park

Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1924 in the Brownsville section of Miami, was for decades the black cemetery in Miami. Blacks sometimes marched to Lincoln Memorial playing tubas and trumpets in Dixieland funeral processions. Most of the 538 burial plots are ...

Lincoln Memorial


[Dedication by Royal Cortissoz, above the statue by sculptor Daniel Chester French:]

"In this temple

as in the hearts of the people

for whom he saved the Union

the memory of Abraham Lincoln

is enshrined forever."

[Inscription on deck ...

Lincoln Speech Memorial

(Monument's Right Side Plaque):

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil ...

Lincoln Memorial University

"If you come through this misery alive... I want you to do something for all those mountain people who have been shut out of the world all these years." These words of President Abraham Lincoln to General O. O. Howard ...
