
Results for Manchester

New Manchester Mill at Sweetwater Creek

Influenced by the Roswell Mill 30 miles to the east, Col. James Rogers and Charles McDonald, a former Georgia governor, built a cotton mill in 1845 on a tract of land that would later become a village called New ...

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Manchester Residential and Commercial Historic District

Manchester Residential and Commercial Historic District is on a rise above the south bank of the James River in what was Manchester, a separate city that became a part of Richmond in 1910. The Lee, Mayo, and Manchester Bridges link ...

Manchester Industrial Historic District

Manchester Industrial Historic District is located at the falls of the James River on the south bank. The industrial area of Manchester developed between 1880 and 1949 with a wide variety of high quality masonry buildings, solidly constructed and handsomely ...

Manchester Lodge No. 14

On September 19, 1795, Manchester Lodge No. 14, A.F.&A. M., laid the cornerstone of its first temple on this site. The ceremony was conducted by the worshipful master Archibald Campbell, grand master John Marshall, and deputy grand master Robert Brooke. ...

Florence Depot (1852) / Wilmington & Manchester RR


Florence Depot

The original depot named Florence was built here in 1852, where the Wilmington & Manchester RR crossed present-day Hoffmeyer Rd. It was named for Florence Harllee (1848-1927), daughter of the railroad's president, William W. Harllee (1812-1897). In ...

Site of Manchester

A flourishing town once stood here; Settled before 1799; Stage-coach relay; Shipping center for cotton traffic by boat to Charleston; A busy point on Wilmington & Manchester Railroad, 1852-1872, (station was 1 mile southeast); Noted for its taverns, horse-racing, games ...

Manchester War Memorial

In memory

of our soldiers


1861 - 1865

1898 - 1899

WW I               WW II

1917 - 1918      1941 - 1946

Korean              Vietnam

1950 ...

Manchester & Free Bridges

By 1873, complaints about Mayo’s’ tolls led to the opening of the Free Bridge.

The day after the Free Bridge opened, thousands crowded onto it to watch the Reverend John Jasper conduct a large group-baptism ceremony in the river.

For ...


The Second Cavalry Division and the Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac, camped about Manchester June 30, 1963. Headquarters for Major General John Sedgwick was located on nearby Old Fort School House Road. On the night of July 1, the ...

Manchester Elliott Grays


Here on the site of the old market

square the Manchester Elliott Grays,

the first volunteer company in this

section, was mustered into service

May 9, 1861, commanded by Louis

Francis Bossieux. After attending

services at the old Ninth ...
