
Results for Meriwether Lewis

Meriwether Lewis Death and Burial Site

On the Natchez Trace Parkway sits an unpretentious granite cairn topped by a broken column, indicating a life cut short. Under this monument, 200 yards from Grinder's Stand cabin, lay the remains of one of America's earliest heroes, Captain Meriwether ...

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Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

1774–1809, 1770–1838

Bold and farseeing pathfinders who carried the flag of the young republic to the western ocean and revealed an unknown empire to the uses of mankind.

A territory of 385000 square miles was added to the country by the efforts ...

Meriwether Lewis


Beneath this monument erected under Legislative Act by the State of Tennessee, A.D., 1848, reposes the dust of Meriwether Lewis, a Captain in the United States Army, Private Secretary to President Jefferson, Senior Commander of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, ...

Birthplace of Meriwether Lewis

Half a mile north was born, 1774, Meriwether Lewis, of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, sent by Jefferson to explore the far west, 1804–1806. The expedition reached the mouth of the Columbia River, November 15, 1805.

Marker is at the intersection ...

Meriwether Lewis

(1774 – 1809)

With William Clark he led the transcontinental Lewis & Clark Expedition, 1803 – 1806. Lewis prepared for the journey & later deposited its significant specimens, journals, and other artifacts here in Philadelphia.

Marker is at the intersection ...
