
Results for National Historic Site

Results for National Historic Site

Nez Perce National Historic Trail Interpretive Site

Chief Joseph Campground

Attempts by General Howard and Colonel Sturgis to communicate were interrupted and met with disastrous results as the Nez Perce had killed the messengers. This left Colonel ...

Nez Perce National Historic Trail Interpretive Site, Wyoming

While General Howard and his men traveled the main access route used by prospectors, the Nez Perce, intent on evading the army, wound their way through the mountains to the south. Braving the cold and treacherous landscape, the Nez Perce ...

Chicago Portage National Historical Site

The Chicago Portage National Historic Site marks the overland path used byvoyageursto travel between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River watersheds. The portage connected the south fork of the Chicago River with the Des ...

Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site

Hubbell Trading Post was founded in 1878 when John Lorenzo Hubbell bought out another trader, "Old Man" William Leonard. Trading posts played a unique role in reservation life, serving as places of business, social life and contact with other ...

Fort Bowie National Historic Site

Fort Bowie was built in 1862 in the Chiricahua Mountains to protect the U.S. Mail route and settlers heading west to the California gold fields. The fort served as the base of operations during the Apache Wars (1861-1886), the ...

Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site

“Val-Kill is where I used to find myself and grow. At Val-Kill I emerged as an individual.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt

Val-Kill, the retreat about two miles from Springwood, the “big house” at Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Hyde Park, was the only ...

First Ladies National Historic Site

Americans did not start calling the president’s wife the “First Lady” until some time in the middle of the 19th century. Some people say Zachary Taylor was the first to use the term in his 1849 eulogy on the ...

Jimmy Carter National Historic Site

“The early years of my life on the farm were full and enjoyable, isolated but not lonely. We always had enough to eat, no economic hardship, but no money to waste. We felt close to nature, close to members ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site

When John F. Kennedy was inaugurated 35th president of the United States, he was the youngest person and the only Catholic ever elected to the nation’s highest office. Elected with the narrowest of margins by a nation fearful under ...

Eisenhower National Historic Site

Eisenhower National Historic Site is the only home Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States, ever owned. Eisenhower and his wife, Mamie, loved their weekend, later retirement home adjoining the Gettysburg Battlefield in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The farm ...
