
Results for Ora Washington

Why is the Washington Monument Temporarily Closed?


On August 23, 2011, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake centered in Virginia sent tremors throughout eastern North America. This seismic activity affected a number of Washington, D.C. landmarks, including the Washington Monument. National Park Service engineers and experts in historic ...

Why is the Washington Monument Temporarily Closed?


On August 23, 2011, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake centered in Virginia sent tremors throughout eastern North America. This seismic activity affected a number of Washington, D.C. landmarks, including the Washington Monument. National Park Service engineers and experts in historic ...

Ora Washington

(1899 – 1971)

African American athlete who dominated black women’s tennis, 1929-1937. She won eight national singles titles from American Tennis Association; Tribunes, women’s basketball team, 1932-1942; played and taught here at YMCA.

Marker is on Germantown Avenue west of ...

Washington’s Temporary Headquarters

This boulder which lay from time immemorial

on this site near the turn of the old road

marks the location of a house used by

General George Washington

as temporary headquarters

on October 26, 1780

while on march from Totowa now Paterson

to support Lafayette’s expedition against

the ...

Why is the Washington Monument Temporarily Closed?


On August 23, 2011, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake centered in Virginia sent tremors throughout eastern North America. This seismic activity affected a number of Washington, D.C. landmarks, including the Washington Monument. National Park Service engineers and experts in historic ...

Parent Washington Navel Orange Tree

To honor

Mrs. Eliza Tibbets,

and to commend her good work

in planting at Riverside in 1873

The First Washington

Navel Orange Trees

in California,

native to Bahia Brazil,

proved the most valuable

fruit introduction yet made by

the United States Department

of Agriculture

Marker is at the intersection of Arlington Avenue ...
