
Results for Our Heroes

Our Confederate Heroes



To the Confederate soldiers of Scotland County, the record of whose sublime self-sacrifice and undying devotion to duty in the service of their country is a fond heritage of a loyal posterity.


"We care not whence they came, dear, in their ...

Our Heroes of World War II

In Memoriam

Aragon Baldwin Mills, Whitmire Plant

Employees who gave their

lives in World War II.

Great Britton Arrowood; Thomas Bellue; Howard Eugene Boulware; Ralph Cochran; William Thomas Crosby; Robert Yvan Evans; Floyd Virgil Gilliam; James Richard Hayes; John Bruce Loftis, Jr.; ...

A Tribute to Our Unsung Heroes

The heroes walk program was established by Mayor William Donald Schaefer in 1986, to honor those persons who have unselfishly given their time, labor and talents to help improve the quality of life in our community without ever seeking reward ...

To Our Heroes

An eternal light, an inspiration and a promise of enduring peace.

This star was lighted November XXI, MCMXXIII.

In memory of those who have made the supreme sacrifice for the triumph of the free peoples of the world.

To Our HeroesTis the Star ...

In Memory of Our Fallen Heroes

Revolutionary War Heritage Trail

Although two attempts to recover the bodies of the fallen at Minisink Ford are recorded as having taken place in the weeks following the battle, it was not until 1822, forty-five years after the event, that the ...

Our Heroes

In honor of the Confederate Soldiers of Pender County. Major General William Dorsey Pender, Feb 6, 1834 – July 18, 1863.

Let future generations remember that these were men whom death could not terrify, whom defeat could not dishonor. That truth, ...
