
Results for Prescott


Prescott, Yavapai County Seat, founded 1864 on Granite Creek, source of Placer gold. Named for William Hickling Prescott, Historian, first Gov. JN. N. Goodwin, Appointee of Abraham Lincoln. Established first territorial capital of Arizona here. At Governor's Mansion, two blocks ...

Prescott’s Headquarters

In this house

the British General Prescott

was taken prisoner

on the night of July 9, 1777

by Lieutenant-Colonel Barton

of the Rhode Island Line.

Marker is on West Main Road (Rhode Island Route 114), on the right when traveling north.


Prescott National Bank

The Prescott National Bank was organized by William Bashford, R.N. Fredericks and others in March, 1893. In October, 1900 Bank President Frank N. Murphy announced the construction of a new bank building on the "Old Wooster Block" at Prescott's "banking ...

Prescott National Guard Armory

Prescott was one of the first towns in Arizona to have a National Guard Unit. Companies B and C of the First Territorial Rifles were organized in Prescott in 1865 and Company M of the First Arizona Infantry was organized ...

Prescott Public Library

Prescott's modern public library was dedicated on May 18, 1975. However, the history of a public library in Prescott goes back to August 1895, when seven local ladies founded the Women's Club of Prescott (now the Monday Club). They gathered ...

Prescott High School and the Yavapai Club

Three very prominent buildings once stood on East Gurley Street between Alarcon and Marina Streets – The Territorial Capital Building, Prescott High School and the Yavapai Club.

Originally, the property between Alarcon and Marina streets on Gurley Street was the site ...

Welcome to Prescott

Founded in 1864, Prescott is Arizona's Mile High City and seat of Yavapai County government. Named for historian William Hickling Prescott, it was established on the banks of Granite Creek in 1864.

Today it is the home to the Bob Stump ...

C. J. Prescott House

C. J. Prescott House

12 Hickey Street

Has been placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior


Marker is on Hickey Street, on the right when traveling east.


Prescott's Beginnings: The First Mining District in Yavapai Coun

The City of Prescott had its beginnings in the Spring of 1863 when a party of explorers and would-be gold miners led by the famed Joseph R. Walker arrived near the headwaters of the Hassayampa River. On May 10, 1863, ...


Founded 1864 on Granite Creek, early source of placer gold. Former territorial capital of Arizona. Now a center for ranching, mining, health, especially asthma relief. Located here on site of old Ft. Whipple is Whipple Veterans Hospital. Seat of First ...
