
Results for Religion

Lincoln's Religion

Abraham Lincoln was often accused by his detractors---and even by some of his friends---of not being a Christian.

Just before becoming President, Lincoln shared the following with his friend Dr. Newton Bateman: "I know there is a God, and that He ...

Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion


Hebrew Union College (HUC), founded in Cincinnati in 1875, is the oldest institution of higher Jewish learning in the United States. Its founder, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (1819-1900), was a leading proponent of Reform Judaism in America. In 1950, ...

Railroad & Religion on Rhett Street

Between the Civil War and the construction of the Panama Canal in 1904, local residents and investors desperately sought to surpass Wilmington by building a rail link to the Appalachian coal fields. Smithville would become the first refueling stop between ...

Religion & Education

Religion has played an important part in the lives of the people of Edgefield County. In the 1760's, the great evangelist Daniel Marshall, came to this area and established Big Stevens Creek and Horn's Creek Churches. In 1826 Edgefield Baptists, ...

Old Time Religion

Around 1888 near this site,

Charles D. Tillman was

conducting a tent revival

and first heard the

local Negro spiritual

"Old Time Religion."

Tillman had the song leader

assist him in notating the

music and lyrics. It is now

seen in nearly every Gospel

Song book and sung in

languages around

the ...
