
Results for Ross Memorial

Jackson, Ross, Tefft and Dempsey Memorial

Dedicated to the Memory of

General Jackson, a ‘49er, after whom Jackson Peak and Jackson Creek were named, and first owner of the Haddick Ranch. Also, Ephiram Ross and L.V. Tefft, later owners of the Tefft Ranch, now the Haddrick Ranch.

Also, ...

Rossville High Alumni Veteran's Memorial

In Memoriam

Rossville High Alumni

who gave their lives in

the service of their country.

Marion E. Patrick May 6, 1967

Eddie Holland Jan. 5, 1968

Dennis Melton June 6, 1968

Marker is at the intersection of McFarland Avenue and Rossville Blvd (U.S. 27), on the left ...

Rossville Memorial Fountain

Dedicated to the glory of God in memory of the sons and daughters of this community who laid down their lives in defense of their country

Dedicated May 30, 1968

Marker is at the intersection of Rossville Blvd (U.S. 27) and McFarland ...

Lieutenants Ross Frazier and Paul Hughes Memorial

These trees are a living memorial

to members who made the supreme

sacrifice for American Ideals.

Lt Ross Frazier

Lt Paul Hughes

Planted April 23 1939

Dedicated May 30 1947

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. 22), on the left when traveling east.


Ross County Civil War Memorial

In honor of the Patriotic Men of Ross County who gave their lives in the war for the preservation of the Union their grateful fellow citizens have erected this monument May 30th, 1875

Marker can be reached from Brookside Drive.

Courtesy ...

Ross County World War I Memorial

In honor of

the boys from Ross County

who gave their lives

in the service of their country

1917 - 1919

Allen, Albert F. • Bitzer, Russell • Bollinger, Albert • Bower, Donald B. • Brown, Edward B. • Brown, Elmer ...

Ross Memorial

Named in honor of M/Sgt Wilburn K. Ross who was awarded the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 30 October 1944 near St. Jacques, France. After his ...
