
Results for Shelton

Shelton World War I Monument

Honor Roll

Tablet Erected By

The City of Shelton

In Honor of the Men of This Community

In the Military or Naval Forces of Our Country

Erected November 1918

[ center column ]

Died In Service

Thomas Arena • Joseph Bernabeo ...

Shelton Locks

The Shelton locks from Housatonic River to the canal system were built in 1867, allowing canal boats to be raised through 3 sets of locks by water entering each lock, one at a time, raising the boat approximately 10 feet. ...

Shelton Union Pacific Depot

This depot was built in 1898 next to the Union Pacific tracks in Shelton. It was moved to this site in September 1975 and was the first building on the grounds of the Trails and Rails Museum of the Buffalo ...

To Honor the Men and Women of the City of Shelton

To Honor

The Men and Women of the City of Shelton

Who Served Their Country and In Memory of Those

Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

Killed In Action

World War I

Arena, Thomas USA • Bernabeo, Joseph USA • ...


[ front ]


1639 – Stratford area settled, with present-day Shelton as the northern part.

1717 – Northern settlers established Ripton parish.

1789 – Ripton separated from Stratford and became the town of Huntington, named for Governor Samuel Huntington. ...

Shelton Veterans Monument

A Victory Denied

Vietnam War 1961 – 1975

The Forgotten War

Korean War

1950 – 1953

Freedom Is Not Free

World War II

1941 – 1945

The War To End

All Wars

World War I

1917 – 1918 ...

City of Shelton Emergency Services Memorial

City Of Shelton

In Memory Of

Our Departed Emergency Services Members

Who Have Given Their Lives In The Line Of Duty

While Protecting the Lives and Property of Our Citizens

Shelton Fire Department Daniel E. Wannagot 1991

Shelton Police Department William E. Rich ...

Shelton Pioneers

This Boulder is dedicated to the early pioneers of the community of Shelton, in recognition of their heroic services in establishing and protecting this town and in risking their lives that Shelton might be secure.

In memory of La Belle ...

Shelton World War II Memorial

World War II

In Memory Of

Those Who Died In Service

Louis J. Beatrice • Anthony Bilotto • Dante A. Buccelly • Louis J. Cuda • John J. Donovan, Jr. • William Dziadik • Francis D. Fraser • Thomas ...

" Shelton Laurel Massacre "

Thirteen men and boys, suspected of Unionism, were killed by Confederate soldiers in early 1863. Graves 8 mi. E.

Marker is on State Highway 208.

