
Results for Soldier and Sailor Monument

The State Soldiers and Sailors Monument

The State Soldiers and Sailors Monument, a focal point and symbol of the city, is a remarkable sculptural group and creates a dramatic civic space. The quality of its sculpture, bronze work, and concept is unparalleled in the state. Indiana ...

Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument


[East face, center:] Erected by the State of Maryland to commemorate the patriotism and heroic courage of her sons who on land and sea fought for the preservation of the Federal Union in the Civil War, 1861 - 1865.


Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

This monument, dedicated July 4, 1894, honors Cuyahoga County men and women, who performed military and patriotic duties during the Civil War (1861-1865). William J. Gleason (1846-1905), army veteran and local businessman, proposed its creation in 1879. Captain Levi Tucker ...

Soldiers and Sailors Monument

To the men of Boston who died for their country on land and sea in the War which kept the Union whole, destroyed slavery and maintained the Constitution.

The grateful City has built this Monument that their example may speak ...

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

Greenwich. To her loyal sons who fought for the Union, 1861-1865.

Marker is at the intersection of Maple Avenue and East Putnam Avenue (U.S. 1), on the right when traveling north on Maple Avenue.


Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument

Erected in honor of our loyal soldiers and sailors

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Campbell Avenue and Spring Street., on the right when traveling north.


Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument

[ North Side ]

A Tribute

To the Memory of the Men

Who Risked Their Lives That

The Nation Might Live


[ South Side ]

Erected By

George Van Horn Post

No. 39. G.A.R.

And Friends

[ Battle ...

Soldiers and Sailors Monument

In memory of the Minute Men of 1776 and the soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War and especially of Captain John H. Post who lies buried here and whose destruction of Acquacknonk Bridge saved General Washington’s army from capture ...

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

Erected by the

Grand Army of the Republic

and the citizens of

South Norwalk

in memory of

her loyal sons


Marker is at the intersection of Martin Luther King Drive and Washington Street, on the right when traveling west on Martin Luther King Drive.


Soldiers and Sailors Monument

[ inscription on the west face of the base ]

Gettysburg • Port Hudson • Fort Fisher • 1861-1865

[ inscription on the east face of the base ]

Bunker Hill • Bennington • Saratoga • 1775-1783

[ inscription on the south ...
