
Results for St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church

St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church - West Palm Beach

Organized by the Rev. Charles Long, Sr. in 1900, St. Paul is the oldest church in Pleasant City. As membership grew, the congregation built a small church and named it Gethsemane. When African American families were forced to move from ...

St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church - Tampa

The St. Paul AME congregation dates back to 1870. The original church structure, a brick vernacular building with Gothic and Romanesque detailing, was erected in downtown Tampa between 1906 and 1917. With its large sanctuary, balcony and basement, this church ...

St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church - St. Augustine

This 1910 Gothic Revival style church served as an assembly point for blacks demonstrating against segregated beaches, lunch counters and other facilities in 1964. The kitchen fed hundreds of volunteers who came from other states. Baseball great Jackie Robinson addressed ...

St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Church

On land purchased in 1866, a small wooden structure served as the St. Paul's AME Church for 74 years.

The building of a second, larger wooden structure led to the church as it exists today. The current sanctuary was constructed ...

St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church

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Free blacks and former slaves organized an African Methodist Episcopal congregation in Corydon by 1843. In 1851, church trustees purchased land in Corydon in order to build a church and for school purposes. In 1878, church trustees purchased land ...

St. Paul African American Methodist Episcopal Church

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This congregation was organized before the Civil War and held its services in a brush arbor until 1875 when its trustees bought land near this site from B. W. Brogdon and built a sanctuary there. First church officers were ...

St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church

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Free blacks and former slaves organized an African Methodist Episcopal congregation in Corydon by 1843. In 1851, church trustees purchased land in Corydon in order to build a church and for school purposes. In 1878, church trustees purchased land ...