
Results for The Battle of Cedar Mountain

The Battle of Cedar Mountain

Jackson Rallies His Men

As the Confederate line broke, "Stonewall" Jackson stood firm and many of his soldiers witnessed the general as he rallied his troops while other officers motivated their men by pointing out the presence of their commanding general.

"I ...

The Battle of Cedar Mountain

The Federal Attack Reaches Its Climax

The fighting turned desperate and many combatants struggled hand-to-hand. Some of Crawford's Federal soldiers passed completely behind the 21st Virginia and entered the road near the Confederate artillery line. Confederate soldier John Worsham of ...

The Battle of Cedar Mountain

The Awkward Position of the 21st Virginia

Without the leadership of either Generals Jackson or Winder, subordinate officers formed their men along the edge of woodlines where the ground offered a better field of fire. The men of the 21st Virginia ...

The Battle of Cedar Mountain

The Artillery Duel

The road to Culpeper ran on the other side of the fence to your right. A line of Confederate cannon angled from this point back to the Crittenden farm lane, currently the paved road along the edge of ...

The Battle of Cedar Mountain

August 9, 1862

In the summer of 1862 General John Pope formed the Federal Army of Virginia. While the elements of this new 63,000-man army were converging upon Culpeper, Confederate General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson saw that part of the Union ...
