
Results for The Erie Canal

The "Short Level" of the Miami and Erie Canal

To the left is the "Short Level" of the Miami and Erie Canal. The canal extension from Dayton to Toledo was completed in 1837. Linking the Great Lakes to the Ohio River. Travel took only five days to Toledo and ...

Start of the Miami and Erie Canal

1825 - 1929

In emulation of those who, July 21, 1825,

here began the building of the

Miami & Erie Canal,

this Ohio property was rededicated

November 2, 1929, to its original purpose -

transportation, with the confident hope

that ...

The Wabash & Erie Canal

Anchoring the southern edge of the Headwaters Park “Thumb” until circa 1874, the Wabash & Erie Canal’s importance to transportation to the western part of the United States and to the growth of Fort Wayne was substantial. Headwaters Park is ...

The Wabash & Erie Canal

Operating The Canal

[ Front ]

The Longest Canal in North America

Carroll County Wabash & Erie Canal

Delphi, Indiana

The Wabash & Erie Canal extended 468 miles

from Toledo, Ohio to Evansville, Indiana

On March 2, 1827, a Congressional ...

The Ohio and Erie Canal / Canal Dover Toll House

1825 - 1913

The Ohio-Erie Canal


Seeking an alternate transportation route to distant markets, many farmers and manufacturers in Ohio wanted to connect the Ohio River to Lake Erie with a canal. Beginning in Cleveland the Ohio-Erie Canal ran south, the length ...

The Erie Canal

For nearly a century, canal boats were pulled by mules and horse over this portion of New York State's famed Erie Canal.

One of the slowest and most crowded parts of the waterway started to the north of the Flatts at ...

The Miami and Erie Canal

The Miami and Erie Canal

———— • ————

Over this site once flowed the Miami and

Erie Canal, linking the Ohio River with the

Maumee and Lake Erie. The canal was opened

in 1827 and was finally drained in 1920.


To Commemorate The Wabash and Erie Canal

Which Operated 1841 - - 1872

Between Toledo, Ohio, and Evansville, Indiana.

And which, through Lafayette

paralleled the Wabash River,

crossing Main Street at

the East end of the bridge.

Marker is on Main Street west of North 4th Street, on the left when ...

The Erie Canal / Albany Basin

The Erie Canal.

This site marks the east

end of the canal, opened in

1825. It carried products

and people between the

Hudson River and Lake Erie

Albany Basin.

For nearly 100 years boats

entered the Erie Canal at

nearby Lock 1, bringing

work, tradition and fame

to the State’s ...

Canals and Railroads – Arteries to the Heart of Industrial Trent

As the United States began to feel the full force of the Industrial Revolution and expand its own manufacturing and commercial base, cities like Trenton that were blessed with an advantageous location were in the forefront of transportation developments. By ...
