
Results for The Miami and Erie Canal

The "Short Level" of the Miami and Erie Canal

To the left is the "Short Level" of the Miami and Erie Canal. The canal extension from Dayton to Toledo was completed in 1837. Linking the Great Lakes to the Ohio River. Travel took only five days to Toledo and ...

Start of the Miami and Erie Canal

1825 - 1929

In emulation of those who, July 21, 1825,

here began the building of the

Miami & Erie Canal,

this Ohio property was rededicated

November 2, 1929, to its original purpose -

transportation, with the confident hope

that ...

The Miami and Erie Canal

The Miami and Erie Canal

———— • ————

Over this site once flowed the Miami and

Erie Canal, linking the Ohio River with the

Maumee and Lake Erie. The canal was opened

in 1827 and was finally drained in 1920.


The Miami and Erie Canal Lift Bridge


The lift bridge built in 1899 across the Miami & Erie Canal at Third Street (now Central Ave.), was the third bridge at this site since the canal began in 1825. An electric motor was used to raise the ...

The Miami and Erie Canal in Middletown

Port Middletown Plaza

Ohio's canal system was the most effective between 1827 and 1850, before the introduction of the railroads. In Middletown, the canal was still used well into the 20th century but in 1913 a devastating flood destroyed much ...

The Miami & Erie Canal and New Bremen

Begun in 1833, the Miami Extension linked the Miami Canal in Dayton to the Wabash & Erie Canal at Junction. Engineering difficulties, epidemics and the Panic of 1837 delayed completion of the Extension until June 1845, when the packet boat ...
