
Results for The Station

Peach Tree Southern Railway (Brookwood Station)

Peachtree Southern Railway, now known as Brookwood Station, is the last passenger terminal in Atlanta, a city which owes its existence to railroads. Representing a fine example of a suburban railroad terminal, it is the work of the eminent Atlanta ...

Here Stood one of the Stage Coach Stations

Here stood one of the stage coach stations placed at regular intervals for the exchange of teams on Mount Hope-Lumberland Turnpike. Chartered 1812 to run from Mount Hope to the Delaware

Marker is at the intersection of County Route 48 ...

Union Station and the Santa Fe



The City Commission forced the railroads to elevate the East Douglas tracks, which solved the problem of having the Santa Fe, Rock Island and Frisco lines crossing and often blocking the street. It also proposed that a single, or unified, ...

The Police Station

Built by Charles C "Carl" Cheek in early

1944 with the assistance of German Prisoners

of War who helped draw up the plan and

worked on the construction.

This police station was first used as a guard

house at the prisoner of war ...

National Historic Landmark- Northeast Entrance Station

Designed following the parameters of the rustic design ethic, it is not only a physical, but also a psychological boundary between the rest of the world and the area set aside as a permanent wild place. The best of its ...

Catherine Street Fire Station #3

Built in 1902 to replace a fire station destroyed by the Great Jacksonville Fire of May 3, 1901, the station was manned by black firemen for several years.

Originally located at 12 Catherine Street, the fire station was moved in ...

The Trolley Station at Bayshore Park


The #26 streetcar brought thousands of Baltimoreans to Bayshore Park. Trolleys provided a convenient way for people to travel and could be chartered for group outings. Many people spent their vacations trolleying, using trolley maps to see where they could ...

The 4th Corps at Vining’s Station

June 5, 1864. When Johnston’s army [CS] withdrew from Smyrna to the river, Howard’s 4th A. C., and Baird's div. (14th A.C.), [US] via highway and R. R. occupied Vining’s. Baird’s troops kept on down the R. R. until halted ...

The History of Union Station

Union Station opened in 1898 as the passenger terminal for the Illinois Central (IC) Railroad. Francis T. Bacon, an IC architect, designed the station, adorning the brick structure with decorative terra cotta and topping it with a 110-foot-tall clock tower. ...

The Jimmy Doolittle Pier – Alameda Naval Air Station

Pier No. 3

On April 1, 1942, sixteen B-25 bombers were hoisted to the flight deck of the carrier Hornet and parked there, while moored at Pier No. 3 at U.S. Naval Station in Alameda. The B-25 detachment consisted of seventy ...
