
Results for This Cannon

This Little Cannon

This little cannon served at the Georgia Military Institute from 1852 to 1864, then went into the Confederate Army, was captured on Sherman’s March to the Sea, 1864-1865, and held as a trophy of war until 1910, when it was ...

This Bronze Cannon

This bronze cannon was made at Douai France in 1751, by Berenger the great gun manufacturer, for the House of the Bourbons. After many travels and vicissitudes, it was discovered mounted in defence of Fort Morro Santiago, Cuba. Upon the ...

This Cannon “Independence”

1776 – 1908

This cannon “Independence”

used at the Battle of Long Island,

Aug. 27th, 1776,

was purchased by the Union Hill

Association in 1851 and presented

by the only surviving member,

Chas. E. Suffern, to the Village of

Suffern on April 23rd, 1908.

Marker is at the intersection ...

This Cannon

This cannon of the type used in the defense of Baltimore in the War of 1812, presented to St. John's College, the alma mater of Francis Scott Key, through the Peggy Stewart Tea Party Chapter, D.A.R., and the National Star-Spangled ...

This Ancient Cannon

This Ancient Cannon

was exhumed in 1892 on the site of

no. 55 Broadway on the corner of Exchange Alley

or the highway leading to the

fortification called oyster pasty 1695-1783

Presented to the City of New York by

William Henry Mairs


Placed here by the children ...

This Cannon

This cannon was brought to Maryland in 1634 on The Ark. Used in defense of St. Mary’s City and as a St. Inigoes Manor boundary marker. Presented to St. Mary’s County Historical Society by The Society of Jesus.

(original inscription ...
