
Results for Thomas Sumter

General Thomas Sumter Grave

(West face)

This stone marks the grave of one of South

Carolina's most distinguished citizens,

Thomas Sumter.

One of the founders of the Republic.

Born in Virginia August 14, 1734.

Died June 1, 1832

(Lower Plaque)

To General Thomas Sumter

who fought so gloriously for the

Liberty ...

Thomas Sumter

Symbol of South Carolina Resistance

"Enchanted with the splendor of victory, he (Thomas Sumter) would wade in torrents of blood to attain it. "

Colonel Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee.

The land on which you now stand, here in the High Hills of ...

General Thomas Sumter 1734 -1832

(West Face right)

Thomas Sumter was born

near the Blue Ridge

Mountains in Virginia in 1734.

He fought in the French and

Indian War and also against

the Cherokees in 1761.

(South Face)

Sumter married Mary

Cantey in 1767 in St. Marks

Parish (Clarendon County)

South Carolina. They ...

General Thomas Sumter

(Front text)

Monument to General Sumter stands 500 yards south. Born August 14, 1734, in Hanover County, Virginia, he was a frontiersman and Indian fighter. Coming to South Carolina by 1764, he became a planter. As Partisan leader and later ...

General Thomas Sumter

(Front text)

Monument to General Sumter stands 500 yards south. Born August 14, 1734, in Hanover County, Virginia, he was a frontiersman and Indian fighter. Coming to South Carolina by 1764, he became a planter. As Partisan leader and later ...

Gen. Thomas Sumter Memorial Highway

This honors his 250th birthday,

1734-1984. Born in Va., Aug. 14.

A frontiersman and Indian fighter.

By 1760 he had settled in S.C. He was

a member First Provincial Congress,

called in 1775 because war with

England threatened. The commander

of The 6th Reg., S.C., in 1776, ...

Thomas Sumter's Store

About 1765-1767 Thomas Sumter, future hero of the American Revolution, kept a country store near this spot where the stream of colonial traffic to the Up Country divided in the fork where the Nelson's Ferry Road branched off from the ...

Thomas Sumter

"The Gamecock"

The most controversial of Greene's Militia commanders, Sumter was known for his trademark gamecock feather in his hat, his tenacity and his penchant for bloody frontal assaults - characteristics that earned him the moniker "The Gamecock."

Poorly educated but handsome, ...
