
Results for Tower Bell

Bell Tower

The Bell Tower at the southwest corner of Capitol Square was originally a guardhouse for the public guard and a signal tower for emergencies and meetings. While the tower is architecturally significant, the building is also noteworthy because of its ...

The Columbus Quincentenary Belltower

In 1492 Christopher Columbus,

his crew and three ships, the

Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria

set sail from Spain

to the New World.

That voyage is depicted

in the scene above as

we pay tribute to the man,

the voyage and the

community namesake.

Dedicated April 25, 1992

In Commemoration of

Christopher ...

The Bell Tower

You are standing in Bastion Square. The Hudson’s Bay Company, whose legacy continues at the store on Government Street, established Fort Victoria here in 1843.

Acting on behalf of the British Columbia Government, the company sold the surrounding land to pioneers ...

Hopewell Bell Tower

This bell tower was constructed from components saved from the demolition of what was last known as the Hopewell Elementary School and was previously the Oxford High School. The building was designed by W.L. Plack of Philadelphia and constructed in ...

‘Old Bell’ Tower

A modern rendition of Bank of Sturgeon Bay's original tower erected in 1900 on the NW corner of 3rd Ave. & Kentucky St., and removed in 1939. The original bell was reacquired with the cooperation of the First Baptist Church ...

The Bell Tower

This tower was built in 1824, on the site of a frame building. It long served as a guard house for the State Guard.

The bell was a fire alarm and was also rung in emergencies. In 1861-1865 it was used ...

Bell Tower

The bell tower signaled the beginning and the end of most activities at the Palmer Memorial Institute.These included classes, farming, meals, lights-out, and community as well as campus emergencies.

Marker can be reached from 6136 Burlington Road.


The Bell Tower of St. George's

Angry with the Anglican Church, the Puritan Pilgrams left England in 1620. Their descendants, known as Congregationalists, founded Dorchester in the 1690s, only to endure South Carolina's 1706 declaration of Anglicanism as the colony's official church.

With the Congregationalists worshiping two ...

Tower Bell

Cast to commemorate the California State Normal School in 1881, this 3,000-pound bell was rung at 8 a.m. each morning until the earthquake stilled its voice in 1906. In 1910, the bell was re-installed in the maim building of the ...

Weaver College Bell Tower

in Memory of

Weaver College


Weaverville, North Carolina


April 3, 1992

Marker is on Brevard College near N. Broad Street (U.S. 276).

