
Results for Wabash

Wabash Avenue YMCA

The Wabash Avenue YMCA was a major social and educational center in the Black Metropolis, the center of Chicago's African American culture in the early 1900s. Funds for its construction came from Julius Rosenwald, chairman of Sears, Roebuck and Company, ...

Wabash College Students who Served in the Civil War

~? ~? ~ ~ Roll of Honor ~ ~? ~?

[ Row One ]

~ ~ ~ Major Generals ~ ~ ~

Lewis Wallace ? Edward R. S. Canby ? Joseph J. Reynolds

~ ~ ~ Brigadier Generals ~ ~ ~

John C. ...

Wabash Hall

During the 1930s, 40s and early 1950s, Lincoln High School held proms and football victory dances on the second floor of Wabash Hall. On the ground floor, sisters Elzora Gill and Fannie Glover and their husbands operated the Glover and ...

Wabash Avenue YMCA

The Wabash Avenue YMCA was a major social and educational center in the Black Metropolis, the center of Chicago's African American culture in the early 1900s. Funds for its construction came from Julius Rosenwald, chairman of Sears, Roebuck and Company, ...

Wabash and Erie Canal

Completed from Lake Erie to Evansville, 1853. Used till 1865. Passing from 5th St. to 1st Ave., canal widened into basin for docks covering part of this square.

Marker is at the intersection of NW 5th Street and Vine Street, ...

Wabash and Erie Canal Completed 1853

The approximately 460 mile canal from Toledo, Ohio, to Evansville, Indiana, was the longest canal built in the United States. Here a section constructed above the natural land surface to prevent flooding and erosion, remains intact.

Marker is on Indiana Route ...

Wabash and Erie Canal


( At Top - - Canal Map & Points of Interest )

Here is a section of the Wabash & Erie Canal still visible in Gibson County. Construction of the approx. 460 mi. canal. The longest in North America. ...

Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church

In 1824, Presbyterians worshipped together for the first time in Montgomery County in an unfinished log cabin. Expressing their religious mission through education, Presbyterians founded Wabash College in 1832 and the county's first free preschool program in 1969. The present ...

Miami-Erie and Wabash-Erie Canals

Junction, Ohio

On this site, the Miami and Erie Canal, that came north from Cincinnati and the Ohio River, intersected with the Wabash and Erie Canal that came from Fort Wayne and Evansville, Indiana. From this point, which became the ...

Eddie Taylor - - "Mayor of 7th and Wabash"

On these side walks, Eddie Taylor - Mayor of 7th and Wabash - peddled newspapers from 1916 to 1957, advancing freedom of the press one American at a time.

May those who walk these same Terre Haute streets value that freedom ...
