
Results for Wabash and Erie Canal

Wabash and Erie Canal

Completed from Lake Erie to Evansville, 1853. Used till 1865. Passing from 5th St. to 1st Ave., canal widened into basin for docks covering part of this square.

Marker is at the intersection of NW 5th Street and Vine Street, ...

Wabash and Erie Canal Completed 1853

The approximately 460 mile canal from Toledo, Ohio, to Evansville, Indiana, was the longest canal built in the United States. Here a section constructed above the natural land surface to prevent flooding and erosion, remains intact.

Marker is on Indiana Route ...

Wabash and Erie Canal


( At Top - - Canal Map & Points of Interest )

Here is a section of the Wabash & Erie Canal still visible in Gibson County. Construction of the approx. 460 mi. canal. The longest in North America. ...

Miami-Erie and Wabash-Erie Canals

Junction, Ohio

On this site, the Miami and Erie Canal, that came north from Cincinnati and the Ohio River, intersected with the Wabash and Erie Canal that came from Fort Wayne and Evansville, Indiana. From this point, which became the ...

Wabash and Erie Canal

Constructed 1832-1853, canal was nation's longest, connecting Lake Erie at Toledo with Ohio River at Evansville. Key portion in Carroll County included Deer Creek Lake Dam, constructed 1838-1840 (1 mile west). Various canal structures are still in evidence.

Marker is on ...

To Commemorate The Wabash and Erie Canal

Which Operated 1841 - - 1872

Between Toledo, Ohio, and Evansville, Indiana.

And which, through Lafayette

paralleled the Wabash River,

crossing Main Street at

the East end of the bridge.

Marker is on Main Street west of North 4th Street, on the left when ...

Wabash and Erie Canal

Site of depot for canal which passed through town at foot of Main Street. Operations through Petersburg ceased 1860. Constructed 1832-1853, canal was nation's longest, connecting Lake Erie at Toledo with Ohio River at Evansville, through Fort Wayne, Lafayette, and ...

Wabash and Erie Canal Groundbreaking

On February 22, 1832, ground was broken two blocks north for the canal, which would link Lake Erie at Toledo with the Ohio River at Evansville. Jordan Vigus, Canal Commissioner, Charles W. Ewing, Samuel Hanna, Elias Murray participated in the ...
