
Results for Washington County

First Confederate Company Organized in Washington County

Near this spot a flag

was presented to the

First Confederate Company

organized in

Washington County

Co. E, 2nd Cavalry Reg’t

Arkansas Volunteers

Capt. T.J. Kelly

May 1861

Marker is at the intersection of Center Street and East Avenue, on the left when traveling west on Center Street.

Courtesy ...

Washington County Civil War Monument

This monument

is presented by

Dr. Erskine G. Clark

to the Village of

Sandy HillDedicated to the honor and patriotism of the soldiers of Washington County who served in our war to suppress the southern rebellion of 1861, waged against ...

Washington County C. S. A.

Washington county was the most populous in the state during the Civil War. It served as a center for production, warehousing, transportation, communications, and had a large quartermaster depot. Local wartime factories made spinning jennies, lumber, pots, kettles, wagons, and ...

First Court of Washington County

On Feb. 23, 1778, 0.6 mile NE at the house of Col. Charles Robertson, Trustee, on the east “east (Catbird) branch of Sinking Creek” was held the First Court of the newly formed County of Washington, North Carolina, with John ...

Washington County Honor Rolls Memorial

The following twenty-one (21) honor roll memorials are arranged as one single ‘marching army in review.’ They are arrayed east to west (starting from the side-walk stairs) in a chronological order (from the American Revolution and ending with Vietnam War.)

[[ ...

Washington County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the

honor and sacrifice

of our men and women

who served our Country

in all wars

+ * + * + * +

Let none forget

they gave their all

and faltered not

when came the call

Marker is at ...

Washington County Courthouse / Salem Downtown Historic District

Washington County Courthouse

County formed 1814 by General Assembly of Indiana Territory. Commissioners selected county seat and named it Salem. This third courthouse completed 1888 using locally quarried limestone. Designed in Richardsonian Romanesque Style by Harry P. McDonald, Louisville. Listed in ...

Carter County / Washington County


Established 1796 named in honor of

Landon Carter

Treasurer of Washington and Hamilton Districts. Speaker of the first State of Franklin Senate, later its Secretary of State, also Lieutenant Colonel of the Washington District Militia.


Established 1777 named in honor

George Washington

Colonel in the ...

Washington County Courthouse

Three earlier courthouses stood on this site, the first constructed about 1800. The present Washington County courthouse was completed in 1868, replacing the 1850 building burned by a Union soldier in Dec. 1864. The only new courthouse built in Virginia ...

Washington County Courthouse Square

West Bend, Wisconsin

This block was deeded to Washington County on May 2, 1853, by the Wightman, Kilbourn, Kneeland, and Wolcott families to locate and erect county buildings. The original courthouse, constructed in 1854, was relocated to Main Street when the ...
