
Results for Washington Crossing

National Historic Landmark- Washington Crossing

National Historic Landmark- Washington Crossing

This Landmark was the scene of George Washington's crossing of the Delaware on Christmas night 1776 to raid Trenton, thereby rescuing the waning America's struggle for independence.

By this daring act Washington carried the war to the ...

The Site of Washington’s Crossing

General George Washington and 2400 Continental soldiers crossed the icy Delaware River from Pennsylvania and landed at this spot on Christmas night 1776 on their way to attack the British mercenary force of Hessian soldiers at Trenton.

The last of ...

Washington Crossing the Delaware

A Bicentennial gift to the people of the United States from Citizens of the Bedford Indiana area and the Indiana Limestone Industry July 5, 1976.

Marker is on River Road (Pennsylvania Route 32) near General Washington Memorial Boulevard (Pennsylvania Route ...

Washington Crossing

Has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

Under the provisions of the

Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935

this site possesses exceptional value

in commemorating and illustrating

the history of the United States

U.S. Department of the Interior


Washington Crossing

Has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

Under the provisions of the

Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935

this site possesses exceptional value

in commemorating and illustrating

the history of the United States

U.S. Department of the Interior

National Park Service


Marker is on River Drive, on the ...

Washington's Crossing of Delaware

To commemorate the crossing of the Delaware River at this point by General George Washington and the Continental Troops, Christmas Night, 1776, and the splendid victory at Trenton.


John D. James, President

Russell W. Knight, Secretary

Jesse C. Everitt, ...

George Washington Crossing, 1770

George Washington began a journey on October 5, 1770 to the Ohio Country to see lands he had fought to win and now hoped to own. After a trip, on November 3, up the Kanawha River, the party headed back ...

Washington Crossing the Delaware

(On the back of the pedestal):

This statue which was carved in Italy, and was first exhibited at the Centennial Exposition was purchased and presented to the city by the Mayor, the Common Council and other officials of the City of ...