
Results for Waterworks

National Historic Landmark-Fairmount Waterworks

National Historical Landmark-Fairmount Water Works

The Fairmount Water Works, located on the east bank of the Schuylkill River at the head of navigable waters, used innovative methods for pumping water and was an integral part of the initial five acres ...

National Historic Landmark-Bethlehem Waterworks

National Historical Landmark- Bethlehem Waterworks

Begun in 1754 and enlarged in 1762, the Bethlehem Waterworks are believed to be the first municipal pumping system to provide water for drinking and washing in the United States.

The system served the city until ...

Columbus Waterworks

In 1824 the Mexican government granted to Elizabeth Tumlinson and her heirs the land and water rights to this area in the center of Stephen F. Austin's colony. The town of Columbus developed from a small frontier community. A fire ...

Mount Pleasant Waterworks


Side A

In the early 20th century, Mount Pleasant’s leaders and citizens believed that the town’s rural locale and lack of a quality water supply hindered residential growth and prosperity. The situation changed when the Cooper River Bridge opened ...



“They have a Sett of Pumps which go by Water, which force the water up through leaden Pipes, from the River to the Top of the Hill, near an hundred feet.”

John Adams to Abigail Adams


A bountiful spring supplied Bethlehem's water ...

Old Waterworks

As early as 1754, water was pumped from a spring to a water tower, that stood east of here, through hollowed trunks of trees. It then flowed by gravity to five cisterns or reservoirs. Original engine house stands about 60 ...

1854 City Hall and Waterworks

The original building was completed in the spring of 1854 at a cost of $120,000. It housed the City Waterworks, its Superintendent, and Tapper, and the City offices for Mayor, Council, Secretary, Marshall, Police, Collector, Assessor, Surveyor, and Recorder, including ...

The Old Waterworks

The development and evolution of Harrisburg's early public works infrastructure is captured through the unique Riverfront Park setting of the Old Waterworks, the original stone portion of which was constructed in 1841. At that time water was pumped by this ...

Salem Waterworks

In 1771, the Moravian Town of Salem completed construction of one of the first public waterworks systems in the American Colonies. Tapping natural springs located nearby, the system used bored logs, joined and buried underground, to deliver the water a ...
