
Results for Webster

Webster United Church of Christ

In 1834 construction began on Webster Church, the oldest church building in continuous use in Washtenaw County. Built on land donated by Hannah Williams Kingsley, it was completed in 1835 after Moses Kingsley secured donations from Daniel Webster and others ...

Noah Webster Birthplace

Has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

Under the provisions of the

Historic sites Act of August 21, 1935

This site possesses exceptional value

in commemorating and illustrating

The History of the United States

U.S. Department of the Interior

National Park Service




Anna Jarvis House

Webster Station was located on the Northwestern Virginia Railroad. Webster was a major supply depot and many warehouses were located here. It also served as a staging area for troops. This was the southernmost station on the railroad. ...

Senator Daniel Webster

Civil War to Civil Rights

“Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable,” Senator Daniel Webster, January 1830.

Senator Daniel Webster, eloquent advocate for the preservation of the Union and a political giant in pre-Civil War America, lived and ...

Daniel Webster

503 D Street

503 D Street

Formerly law offices and residence


Daniel Webster

Plaque erected under auspices of the

Columbia Historical Society


the Bar Association

of the District of Columbia

Marker is on D Street, NW, west of ...

Webster County

This county, created by Act of the Legislature December 16, 1853, was originally named Kinchafoonee. It was organized in 1854 at which time Preston was chartered. An Act of February 21, 1856, changed the name to Webster in honor of ...

Daniel Webster Memorial

Danial Webster

"Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable."

Expounder and Defender of the Constitution

Born at Salisbury, N.H., Jan 18, 1772

Died at Marshfield, Mass., Oct 24, 1852

"Our Country, Our Whole Country,

and nothing but Our Country!"

(Given by Stilson Hutchins, a ...

Death of Fletcher Webster

On the morning of the 30th, Col. Fletcher Webster wrote his wife:

"If a fight comes off, it will be to-day or to-morrow & will be a most dreadful & decisive one. This may be my last letter, dear love, for ...

Daniel Webster Tablet

This tablet is erected by

John Adams Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution

In patriotic remembrance

Daniel Webster


Peerless debator, a brilliant orator

A profound constitutional lawyer

A patriotic American citizen

"I pray to know who is to put beneath ...

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

Friendship between the United States and

Canada was developed and strengthened by

the signing of the Webster-Ashburton

Treaty, on August 9, 1842, in the old State

Department building which stood on this

site. This treaty established the north-

eastern boundary ...
