
Results for Well House

The Somerwell House

The Somerwell House

This restored brick home is believed to have been built by Mungo Somerwell, a Yorktown ferryman, in the early 1700’s.    

It is possible that the dwelling was struck during the bombardment of the town  that came with ...

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Daniel Howell Hise House

The Daniel Howell Hise House was an important stop on the Underground Railroad as escaping slaves passed though Salem, Ohio, an industrial Quaker community. It was also the home of noted local abolitionist Daniel Howell Hise and his wife ...

Henderson Lewelling House

The Henderson Lewelling House is located in Salem, Iowa, the first Quaker community in Iowa, founded in 1835. Henderson Lewelling, a Quaker from Indiana, moved to Salem in 1837 with his brother and opened a general merchandise store and ...

Smith-McDowell House

The Smith-McDowell House is one of the finest ante-bellum constructions in western North Carolina and Asheville's oldest brick residence. Situated on a portion of a land grant issued to Colonel Daniel Smith after the Revolutionary War, the c. 1840 Smith-McDowell ...

Dr. William Monroe Wells House

Dr. William Monroe Wells was one of the first African American physicians to live in Orlando. Wells moved to Orlando in 1917 and constructed his home in 1921 at 407 West South Street. After obtaining a building permit in 1926, ...

National Historic Landmark-Robert Barnwell Rhett House

National Historic Landmark- Robert Barnwell Rhett House

This large clapboard frame dwelling was the residence of Robert Barnwell Rhett (1800-1876), known as the Great Secessionist and one of the most effective and prominent of that circle of proslavery fire-eating radicals. ...

58 Tradd Street   Cleland - Wells House

circa 1760

This three-story stuccoed single house was constructed circa 1760 by Charleston Physician Dr. William Cleland

as a residence for his son William. After William's death the property was purchased in 1778 by Scottish émigré

Robert Wells, the largest bookseller ...

Powell - Yopp House

Greek Revival house, built for Robert Power (1824–1862), carriage maker, and wife Sarah (1823–1888). Willed to Sarah E. H. Yopp (1829–1904). Craftsman style additions made by grandson, Alfred Harding Yopp (1876–1973), musician and owner of Yopp Piano and Music Co., ...

Edgar Wells House

circa 1730

In the 1780s, it was owned

and occupied by

Dr. George Hahnbaum,

physician to the German

fusiliers and later a

founder of the Medical

Society of South Carolina.

The trajectory of a cannon

ball can be traced through the

timbers of the house.

Marker is on King ...

Caswell Courthouse

Erected about 1861. Murder of Senator J. W. Stephens here in 1870 led to martial law and Kirk-Holden "War."

Marker is on Badgett Sisters' Parkway, on the right when traveling east.

