
Results for Wood's

Wood's Brigade

Hardee's Corps


Army of the Mississippi

Wood's (3d) Brigade

9th Ark. Batt., 8th Ark., 27th Tenn., 16th Ala., 44th Tenn.,

Hardee's Corps.

About 650 men of these regiments were engaged here from 12 M. to 2 P.M. April 7, 1862.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Wood's Brigade

Hardee's Corps


Army of the Mississippi.

Wood's (3d) Brigade,

9th Ark. Batt., 8th Ark., 27th Tenn., 16th Ala., 44th Tenn.,

Hardee's Corps.

About 650 men of these regiments were engaged here at 10:30 A.M. April 7, 1862.

Marker is at the intersection of Sherman Road ...

T. J. Wood's Division.


T. J. Wood's Division.

Right of Assault

Nov. 25, 1863

Marker is on South Crest Road south of Ridge Road, on the right when traveling south.


Wood's Brigade

Col. James Wood's brigade, Ward’s div., [US] was the left of the 20th A.C. line. It was posted in the ravine N. of Collier Rd. where its left joined Kimball’s brigade. Newton’s div. 4th A.C. Featherston’s [CS] attack was delayed ...

Wood's Division - Granger's Corps

Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood.

Wood's Division - Granger's Corps

Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood.

Nov. 25, 1863, 5 P.M.

1st Brigade - Brig. Gen. August Willich.

2d Brigade - Brig. Gen. William B. Hazen.

3d Brigade - Brig. Gen. Samuel Beatty

This Division carried Orchard Knob ...

General Smallwood's Gravesite

General William Smallwood

A hero of the American Revolution

and a native of Maryland

Commissioned Colonel in 1776

Brigadier General in 1777

Major General in 1780

Elected Governor of Maryland in 1785

Died February 14, 1792

Erected over his remains by the Maryland Society, Sons of the American ...

Smallwood's Home

One mile from here lived Gen. Wm. Smallwood, commander of the Maryland troops which saved Washington’s Army at Long Island. Governor of Maryland from 1785 to 1788. Washington visited here in 1786.

Marker is at the intersection of Chicamuxen Road (Maryland ...

Wood's & Newton's Divs. at Peachtree Creek

July 19, 1864. Wood’s & Newton’s 4th A.C. divs. moving S. from Buckhead to effect crossings at Peachtree Cr. found the bridge burned. Wood improvised one & crossed two brigades which, after a sharp contest with Hardee’s troops [CS], drove ...

Wood's Brigade

Hardee's Corps

C. S.

Wood's (3d) Brigade,

27th Tenn., 16th Ala., 44th Tenn., 9th Ark., 8th Ark.,

3d Miss., 55th Tenn.,

Hardee's Corps,

Army of the Mississippi.

At this place the right of this brigade was engaged with infantry and the left was under fire from Waterhouse's ...

Wood's Brigade

Hardee's Corps

C. S.

Wood's (3d) Brigade,

9th and 8th Ark., 27th Tenn., 16th Ala., 44th and 55th Tenn., 3d Miss.,

Hardee's Corps,

Army of the Mississippi.

From this position, Wood's Brigade, with its regiments in order from left to right as above, charged and captured ...
