A Seaside Resort at Point Lookout

The grassy area in front of you was once the site of a major resort. The geared wheels peeking out of the grass are all that remain. They were part of a power plant that provided lighting for the resort’ buildings and power for its water treatment plant.

Even before the Civil War, tourists were making their way to Point Lookout. The first resort here opened in 1860. Imagine the guests on the lawn, the women in long dresses with parasols, watching the steamboats en route to Baltimore and Washington.

The resort burned down in 1877, but in the 1920’s, Point Lookout became a resort community with a new hotel—the one with the power plant---was built. Visitors enjoyed the same features that we enjoy at Point Lookout today---beautiful views and the protected beaches of Chesapeake Bay.

Finally, because of shoreline erosion and the poor condition of the building, the hotel was torn down in 1989.

For nearly 150 years, the beaches of Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River have drawn summer visitors.

Marker is on Maryland Route 5.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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