Abbeville County Veterans Memorial

In Grateful Memory

Of our loves ones from Abbeville County

who stand in the unbroken lines of

patriots who have dared to die that

freedom might live and grow and increase

its blessings.

World War I

Sam Adams, Cleveland Allen, William A. Bobo, Willie A. Bonds, Clarence Boyd, John Bryant, Paul Butler, Jake Childs, Brodas W. Davis, William Donaldson, Edgar E. Eakin, Eugene B. Gary, Jr., Amos Glover, Earl A. Hall, Sam Harkness, William Houston, Claude Eugene Hughes, Eugene Jackson, Andrew Jenkins, Jessie Johnson, Furman B. Longshore, Bennie Mack, Lewis R. Maddox, Earl Martin, Rayford Mattison, George Lomax McCord, Thomas J. Scotland, Moses Cleveland Settles, Robert Ligon Speer, William Oscar Stevenson, John Thomas, Eugene D. Woodward.

World War II

Robert E. Agnew, Edgar Allen, Robert L. Baker, W.L. Ballentine, Jr., Jack Blanchett, Henry H. Bonds, Charles O. Bowen, John W. Bowen, Robert O. Bowie, Robert S. Bowie, Bennie Boyd, Albert R. Branyon, Harold H.W. Brown, William T. Bruce, Harold A. Burton, Johnnie J. Burton, James J. Campbell, Joseph W. Campbell, Fred L. Cann, Ira B. Carwile, James Paul Clark, Marshall L. Clark, Jack B. Coggins, James F. Coleman, Clarence W. Cox, James R. Crawford, Joe E. Darby, Thomas E. Elwell, Benjamin E. Evans, Bobby Fleming, Ferguson A. Fleming, James Frazier, Bob Z. Gantt, Ernest S. Gettsinger, Albert Gilliam, John Albert Gilliam, Lambert B. Gordon, Eugene Gray, Martin D. Hagood, Robert H. Hall, C. Watson Hall, James Albert Hamlin, Willis Harrison, J. Walter Hartsell, Jr., James J. Hester, Jr., James W.R. Hilley, Earl Linwood Hodges, Thomas D. Howie, Charles Perrin Hughes, Frederick R. Kirby, J. Benjamin Johnson, Edward Langley, Pink Lathan, Floyd Lollis, Samuel Lomax, Earle P. Madison, Samuel Davis McClellan, James F. McCoy, Bennie Frank McCurry, Herbert S. McDill, Robert McDill, James McDowell, G. Harmon McIlwain, James L. McNair, William M. Mobley, Joseph W. Mundy, Ezekiel Boyce Norris, Jr., Clarence H. Pace, Sam Godfrey Richey, Ansel King Simpson, Emory E. Smith, Kenneth T. Stokes, Cecil Sutherland, Walter P. Tribble, David O. Tucker, George T. Weeks, Jr., George H. Williams, Homer Williams, Harry Woodhurst, Frank L. Young.

Korean War

Willie Fair, Charles E. Fleming, Johnny Jackson, Myrth Killingsworth, Aubrey Ledford, Arthur Lee, William W. McKellar, Eugene Power, Malcolm A. Robison, Curtis N. Washington, James H. Wilson


Walter Burns, Clarence A. Latimer, James Lyons, Jr., Woodrow Makin, Jr., Billy R. McCullough, Jerry S. McDonald, Thomas L. Norwood, Jr., Robert M. Warren, Stephen J. Welsh.

"They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them."

Marker is on Court Square (State Highway 20), on the right when traveling north.


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