Adams County Peace Monument - Honor Rolls

[[[ Left Side ]]]

[ Left - Small Plaque ]

Thomas Archibold


Pvt - Capt Bell’s Co

Revolutionary War

1755 - ? - 1837

[ Small Plaque ]

James Ball

Sgt - Col Bakers MD Regt

Revolutionary War

1751 - ? - 1834

[ Right - Small Plaque ]

George Emery

Capt - Col Smallwoods Regt

Revolutionary War

Oct 2, 1752 - ? - July 3, 1841

[ Small Plaque ]

William Shepherd

Adam’s Co

War of 1812

Aug 18, 1788 - ? - Jun 17, 1862

[[ Large - Right Panel ]]

[ Row One ]

1861 – 1865

Levi Auker ? T. F. Adelsperger ? Jacob Arr ? Samuel Allen ? Samuel M. Allen ? Nathan L. Allen ? Emanuel Alguire ? Zachariah Allerton ? Ezekiel Ames ? Rufus Ames ? Martin Ames ? Noah Amspaugh ? Robert N. Andrews ? Thomas W. Andrews ? Dennison Andrews ? Perry Andrews ? Godfrey Apple ? Aaron Archer ? Zachariah Archer ? Frank Arnold ? James M. Archibold ? William Armstrong ? John Aspy ? Benjamin Aspy ? William C. Aspy ? John Ashbaugher ? John C. Ault ? Thomas F. Auten ? Oliver P. Auten ? Henry Augburn ? Peter Aumiller ? Daniel Avery ? John Avery ? Lorenzo D. Avery ? Hugh Bay ? Samuel Ball ? Jeremiah Ball ? Frederick Ball ? John R. Bash ? Peter Baze ? William Bair ? Owen Baker ? John Baker ? Christian Baker ? Adam Baker ? Marion Baker ? Jacob Baker ? Charles Baker ? David Baker ? Elias Baker ? Henry Bates ? Henry Banta ? Samuel H. Barto ? Mahlon Bailey ? George Bailey ? Reuben Baxter ? Isaac Baxter ? Charles Barber ? Nicholas Barger ? Andrew Barkley ? Simon Barkley ? John Barkley ? Elias Barkley ? Abraham Barkley ? Henry A. Babcock ? Ethan Babcock ? John Barnett ? James H. Barnett ? Randolph Barnett ? William Barnett ? Henry Barnett ? Thompson Barnett

[ Row Two ]

1861 — 1865

Moses Badders ? Russell B. Bartram ? James W. Barnhart ? Daniel Bauchman ? Andrew Battenberg ? Jay P. Battenberg ? William Battenberg ? John Baumgartner ? Peter Baumgartner ? Daniel Baumgartner ? John Baltzell ? Joseph R. Berg ? Johnston Beam ? Vincent D. Bell ? Lemuel D. Bears ? William Beery ? John H. Bender ? Owen Berger ? George Beckner ? Nathan Beckner ? William H. Bennett ? Pembroke Beckwith ? Eleazor Biggs ? Jeremiah Biggs ? Samuel F. Biteman ? James H. Biteman ? Solomon Billman ? Jonithan Billman ? Christian Bischoff ? Charles D. Bly ? Lous Bly ? William Bly ? William Blue ? John Blood ? Cyrus M. Black ? Eli Blazer ? Ira A. Blossom ? Lyman R. Blossom ? John M. Blossom ? Harry Blowers ? John Blocker ? Norval Blackburn ? Robert Blackburn ? Robert Boyd ? David A. Boyd ? James R. Boyd ? Reubin A. Boan ? Charles Bolus ? Nathan S. Bodle ? James M. Boyer ? Alexander Bolos ? William Bonner ? Samuel Bonner ? Michael Bowers ? George F. Bowers ? Joseph Bolton ? John Bogner ? James Bowles ? Joseph Boocher ? Samuel C. Bollman ? Martin Bobmeyer ? Michael Boerstler ? Sylvester Bollenbaugh ? John Brown ? John M. Brown ? William Brown ? Mark M. Brown ? Nathan P. Brown ? Hiram A. Brown ? J. B. Broas ? John Brock ? Jason Bryan

[ Row Three ]

1861 — 1865

William Brokaw ? John Brokaw ? W. H. H. Briggs ? John G. Brenner ? Michael Breiner ? Joseph Bradley ? John Bradley ? Aaron Bricker ? David Britson ? Thompson Bronson ? Horrace E. Brothers ? Clark Brothers ? Edward W. Brothers ? Oscar Brothers ? Hiram Brothers ? Peter Bradford ? David C. Bradford ? James H. Browning ? Daniel Brewster ? John Brockham ? Joseph Bremercamp ? Abraham Brandyberry ? John Brandyberry ? Jesse Brandyberry ? Alexander Brandyberry ? Ezra Brandyberry ? Perry W. Burk ? Perry L. Burk ? William Burk ? Isaac Bush ? Ernst Buuck ? Detrick Buuck ? William M. Burdg ? John Burdg ? Anthony Burdg ? Calvin Burdg ? Malichi Burns ? Albert Burris ? Eugene Bunner ? George W. Buckey ? Jacob Butcher ? Joseph Butcher ? Isaac Burdoin ? Green B. Burkhead ? Samuel O. Burkhead ? Nathan H. Burkhead ? Johnithan Burkhead ? Collins Bushnell ? Arch Buckmaster ? Henry B. Buckmaster ? Richard Buckmaster ? Samuel Buckmaster ? James Brunnegraff ? Abraham Byrd ? Moses Byers ? Christen Byer ? Jasper Byer ? Jasper Case ? Charles Carver ? John G. Cayton ? William Calwell ? Josiah Carpenter ? Lafayette Carpenter ? Joseph Carpenter ? John Carpenter ? James C. Calderwood ? Emlin Calderwood ? Alonzo Calderwood ? John J. Chubb ? Monroe Chubb ? Thomas J. Childes ? C. W. Chapman

[ Row Four ]

1861 — 1865

Mordical Chilcoat ? Joshua Chilcoat ? Godfrey Christen ? Albright J. Christen ? Samuel Chronister ? Henry Chronister ? Henry Christcamp ? Lorenzo Cherryholmes ? Jonas Cline ? George B. Cline ? Levi L. Clark ? Levi S. Clark ? Baldwin Clark ? Jacob Clark ? B. F. Clark ? Thomas Cloud ? Anthony P. Cloud ? Joel Click ? Wilber Clymer ? William Clawson ? Clayton Clawson ? Robert Clawson ? Warren Clawson ? William Clayton ? John Cox ? George Cook ? Jacob Cook ? S. Cook ? John A. Cowan ? Ezra H. Cowan ? Quimbly Cowan ? John T. Coots ? Charles Conrad ? Amos A. Covalt ? Louis A. Conter ? John Colchin ? John F. Colchin ? Nicholas Colchin ? Peter Colchin ? J. W. Collars ? Thomas J. Colgrill ? Francis M. Cottrell ? Elias G. Coverdale ? Winfield S. Congleton ? Benjamin F. Counsellor ? John Counterman ? John Crist ? George Crist ? Benjamin Crane ? Jacob M. Crabbs ? Jacob Crabbs ? Austin Crabbs ? James Cronan ? Samuel Crosier ? Abraham Crabill ? William Culley ? Adam Culley ? Oscar Curtis ? William Custer ? Ezra Cutting ? George W. Davy ? James Davy ? Joshua Davy ? S. S. Davis ? Robert A. Davis ? Roswell David ? William Danner ? Jeremiah Danner ? John T. Danner ? Esais Q. Dailey ? Esais Dailey ? William A. Dailey

[ Row Five ]

1861 — 1865

Alexander Dawkins ? Robert C. Daniels ? Alvin W. Daughtery ? Samuel Daughtery ? Byron H. Dent ? John Dean ? Michael Denne ? Daniel Death ? Abraham Debolt ? George Debolt ? Isaac Debolt ? Peter Decker ? John Denman ? Andrew J. Deviney ? John H. Delevan ? Anthony W. DeGarmore ? Ulrich Deininger ? Henry Dick ? Valentine Dishinger ? David Dillinger ? John G. Dittenger ? George R. Dickerson ? John Diffenbaugh ? Theodore Diffenbaugh ? James S. Dolan ? Hamilton Dodge ? William Downey ? William F. Doudney ? James Douglas ? Henry Doehman ? William Drum ? William Drew ? Jeremiah Draper ? William D. Drummond ? Robert A. Drummond ? Ralph Dutcher ? Almond Dutcher ? John H. Easton ? James L. Edge ? John W. Eswards ? James Edington ? George Edington ? Henry M. Edington ? Nathan Ehrman ? Charles Ehrman ? Werner Ehinger ? William A. Eley ? Jacob Eley ? John W. Eley ? David Eley ? John Elzey ? Perry Elzey ? Richard S. Elzey ? John S. A. Elzey ? Ezekiel Elzey ? Frank M. Elzey ? John Emory ? Daniel Embody ? William Engle ? Henry Engle ? John Engle ? Henry Epke ? John Ernst ? Titus H. Ernst ? Enos W. Erick ? Joseph Erwin ? David Essex ? William H. Estell ? Thomas J. Estell ? Philip Everett ? Joseph Everett ? Barney Everett

[ Row Six ]

1861 — 1865

John C. Evehart ? Joseph K. Evans ? Erastus Ewing ? Aaron Ewing ? John Eyanson ? Purley Farlow ? John Farlow ? William Fetters ? Hamilton Fetters ? Samuel Fetters ? Philip Fetters ? James A. Ferguson ? George W. Ferguson ? Thomas E. Fisher ? William Fields ? Thomas Fivecoats ? Abraham Flickinger ? Jacob Flory ? George W. Ford ? Henry Fogel ? Jeremiah Foster ? A. M. Foster ? Joseph J. Foster ? Albert N. Foster ? William H. Fought ? Henry B. Fordyce ? Jasper N. Fordyce ? John Fordyce ? Simeon B. Fordyce ? Gregory Fosnocht ? Frederick Franz ? Henry Franz ? Frederick F. French ? Joshua Franks ? James Fravel ? Jacob Frasier ? Emanuel Fredline ? John D. Fredline ? Isaac Fredline ? William Fredline ? Morgan Funk ? Henry Fuhrman ? Paul Gase ? Enock W. Gauze ? William Gauze ? James Gaunt ? William Gault ? George W. Gates ? Samuel Garver ? Lawrence Gaffer ? David Gallaway ? Elijah Gallaway ? Josiah Gallaway ? Edward F. Geir ? Wolrick Gerig ? David Gessinger ? Manassaih Gilson ? James Gilson ? Thomas A. Gilpen ? Joseph Gibson ? John T. Gilliam ? Dudley Gilford ? J. M. Gilchrist ? George Glass ? Hugh G. Glancy ? J. D. Glancy ? William Golden ? John Gordon ? Sylvester Gorsline ? William R. Gorsline ? Joseph Grim ? Reubin Grim

[ Row Seven ]

1861 — 1865

Stephen Green ? John Green ? John M. Greek ? George Grimes ? John Grimes ? Levi Grimes ? Clark A. Graber ? S. B. Griggs ? Augustus C. Gregory ? Lemuel N. Grandstaff ? George Grasshopper ? Henry H. Hart ? James Hart ? Henry Hart ? Calvin D. Hart ? John D. Hale ? Silas W. Hale ? James C. Hale ? Frederick Hawk ? Devin Hays ? George W. Hahn ? William Hall ? Hamilton Harper ? William Harper ? Taylor Hammon ? George Hammon ? Isaac N. Haynes ? Colonel J. Havelin ? Enoch Havelin ? Charles Hammond ? Cyrus M. Hammell ? Ephriam Hartman ? Abraham Hawkins ? Christopher Haveland ? Jackson E. Haveland ? Samuel Harrison ? William Harkless ? Joseph Helm ? George Helm ? M. M. Herr ? Jacob Heller ? Johnithan Herron ? Michael Heffner ? John Herring ? J. W. Heistand ? John Hendricks ? Johnithan Hendricks ? Jacob Hendricks ? William Hendricks ? Joseph E. Hendricks ? Philip Hendricks ? Edgar A. Henderson ? Thomas Henderson ? Charles A. Henderson ? Henry M. Hendington ? Adoniram J. Hill ? Lewis G. Hill ? Lewis Hill ? William Hilton ? Samuel Hilton ? Levi Hillis ? William Higgins ? Francis Hipkins ? Jacob Horn ? Thomas H. House ? Jason Hobbs ? William Horton ? Ephriam Howard ? John Houser ? Augustus Holana ? Joseph Hocker ? Dr. A. G. Holloway

[ Row Eight ]

1861 — 1865

John M. Holloway ? T. P. Hollingworth ? William D. Hoffman ? George W. Hull ? George Hurt ? John Hursh ? George Humes ? George Huddle ? David Hudson ? Jacob Huffman ? David Huffman ? Barnum Hutchins ? John M. Hutchins ? Enock Hutchinson ? Jacob Hullinger ? David Hullinger ? Andrew Idelwine ? Albert N. Jack ? Charles Jacobs ? Daniel Jacobson ? Joseph E. Jones ? Daniel Jones ? Daniel T. Jones ? Enman W. Jones ? William I. Jones ? John B. Jones ? Zachariah Jones ? Samuel Jones ? James W. Jones ? Richard Jones ? Benjamin Jones ? Joseph L. Johnson ? Leonard W. Johnson ? Noah Johnson ? Samuel Johnson ? Benjamin S. Johnson ? William J. Johnson ? Daniel A. Johnson ? William F. Johnson ? Michael Johnson ? Robert W. Johnson ? James M. Johnson ? John Johnson ? John K. Johnson ? George Johnson (1) ? George Johnson (2) ? William Johnstone ? John L. Judy ? Andrew J. Judy ? Frank Jurock ? Joseph Julian ? Myre Kahn ? Washington Kern ? John W. Kern ? D. M. Kerr ? James Kelley ? Isaac B. Kelley ? Jeremiah Kelley ? George W. Keller ? Philip Kestler ? John Kestler ? Silas H. Kennedy ? Theodore Kennedy ? Stephen Kessler ? David King ? William A. King ? Jacob King ? Franklin King ? George W. Kiser ? Daniel A. Kitson ? William T. Kimsey ? Conrad Kimmell

[ Row Nine ]

1861 — 1865

Andrew J. Kirkland ? Johnithan D. Kline ? Lee Kline ? William Kline ? Eli Krouse ? Edward W. Lane ? Charles A. Lamar ? David Laman ? Edward W. LaRue ? Ferguson Lawson ? Hesikiah Lambert ? Joel Laughery ? William Laughery ? John Laughery ? James E. Lawrence ? Henry Lankenau ? John Lee ? Eurastus Lee ? Jesse Lewis ? David W. Lewis ? Tillman F. Lewis ? Abraham Lemon ? Robert Lemon ? Lewis W. Lewton ? Edward H. LeBrun ? Joseph Lenhart ? John Learman ? Dayton Lhaman ? Abraham Lhaman ? Thomas Lhaman ? Daniel Linn ? David B. Linton ? James E. Linton ? Peter Litzel ? Ezra Lister ? Franklin Lord ? Martin Lord ? William Lord ? John Long ? George Long ? Polsom Long ? Andrew Long ? Levi Long ? William H. Long ? Lewis Long ? John A. Logan ? W. A. Logan ? George W. Louthan ? Moses Louthan ? James E. Louden ? William Lopshire ? John Lotzenhiser ? Gideon Longenberger ? Hamilton Lutes ? Henry Lunnan ? William Lynch ? Moses May ? C. E. Macy ? Jethro Macy ? Silas C. Martz ? Smith Martz ? Milton Major ? Samuel Major ? Thomas J. Major ? William R. Mapel ? Samuel T. Mahon ? Adam A. Mason ? Samuel Maure ? Hamon Martin ? John Martin ? James C. Martin ? John L. Martin

[[ Large - Right Panel ]]

[ Row One ]

1861 — 1865

Luther Martin ? J. B. Magner ? John Magner ? M. A. Magner ? Henry Magner ? William Marvin ? William L. Mattox ? John W. Malott ? Christen Magley ? Robert Maloney ? Charles Maloney ? George Marquet ? William P. Mallonee ? Thomas W. Mallonee ? John J. Mallonee ? John Maccubee ? Smith Marchland ? M. Manneschmith ? Jackson R. McAlhany ? Armstrong McCan ? James McCune ? Henry McCune ? Lawrence McCune ? John S. McClain ? Lemuel McCloud ? Absolom McCurdy ? David McCardle ? Eli D. McCollum ? Elisha McChristy ? Absolom McChristy ? Francis McCampbell ? William B. McCampbell ? Thomas McCullough ? Andrew McDougal ? Perry McDaniel ? James M. McDaniel ? William McDaniel ? William McDermot ? Jacob McDowell ? James McGrath ? John E. McGriff ? John McGill ? Henry B. McHugh ? John W. McKean ? Moses McKinsey ? Isaac R. McLeod ? John McLeod ? Henry McLean ? Isaac McMillen ? Hugh McWhirter ? George McWhirter ? Jacob Meyer ? Andrew Meyer ? Frederick Meitz ? Augustus Meitz ? W. R. Meeks ? Patrick Meehan ? Noah Merica ? Edwin S. Metzger ? Charles W. Merryman ? Henry L. Merryman ? John Merryman ? George W. Merryman ? Christan Mitch ? Charles W. Miller ? John C. Miller ? Daniel Miller ? Joseph Miller ? Andrew Miller ? Jacob Miller ? Riley J. Miller ? George Miller

[ Row Two ]

1861 — 1865

Mathias Miller (1) ? Mathias Miller (2) ? Samuel S. Mickle ? Eli Michael ? David Michael ? Joseph Michael ? Henry Michand ? John Middleton ? James Middleton ? Theodore R. Moore ? William Moore ? James Moore ? Ephriam Mosure ? James Mooney ? Johnithan Morison ? Henry Moracle ? Samuel Morningstar ? George Mumma ? Reason F. Mumma ? John H. Mumma ? John Murray ? Calvin R. Murray ? Oliver P. Murray ? Andrew Murray ? George Musser ? Daniel Musser ? David Murphy ? Wyatt H. Murphy ? John Mullen ? Henry H. Myers ? George Myers ? Henry Myers ? William H. Myers ? James C. Myers ? Abraham Meyer ? Jerome Myers ? Jesse Myers ? Daniel Need ? Edward Nelson ? Levi Nelson ? Isaac Nelson ? James I. Neptune ? Nicholas Nemmert ? Robert Niblick ? Alexander North ? Nelson Norman ? William Norwald ? Perry Odel ? Zephiniaih Odel ? Nathan Odel ? James Ogden ? John O’Harrow ? Jonithan Orndorff ? John Oswalt ? James Overly ? Daniel Overhulser ? David Palm ? Howard Parr ? Calvin Parks ? Joshua R. Parrish ? Joseph L. Parrish ? Abner S. Parrish ? Andrew J. Palmer ? Benjamin F. Paxton ? Isaac Paulison ? Robert D. Patterson ? VanRanslier Patterson ? James M. Patterson ? Harvey M. Patterson ? Joseph Pamenter ? Henry Pegg ? John Pease

[ Row Three ]

1861 — 1865

William Peele ? Martin Peters ? Robert S. Peterson ? Henry C. Peterson ? James Peterson ? John Peterson ? Herbert Pennington ? Joseph Pfiffer ? John Phipps ? H. L. Phillips ? Hiram Pine ? William Pillars ? Benjamin Pillars ? Charles Pierson ? George Place ? Leroy Place ? O. Platt ? Jacob Plocher ? David Plocher ? William Plummer ? Joseph Pogue ? Dr. John P. Porter ? William Porter ? Alexander A. Porter ? Mathew H. Porter ? Charles C. Porter ? Daniel C. Pontius ? John Pontius ? Richard H. Pratt ? Solomon Prior ? Warren Presho ? Joseph Prentis ? Lewis H. Purdy ? Johnithan M. Pyle ? Washington Pyle ? John P. Quinn ? William Quinn ? Eli M. Ray ? Johnithan F. Ray ? John W. Ray ? Levi W. Ray ? John Ray ? John M. Ray ? Lafayette Rape ? Isaac Rash ? Moses S. Ramey ? W. H. Ramey ? George Raver ? John Rawley ? Nicholas Rabbitt ? Thomas Rabbitt ? Martin Railing ? Jacob Railing ? Charles T. Rainier ? David Ransler ? Dr. S. G. Ralston ? William Ransbottom ? John H. Reed ? Samuel Reed ? Frederick Reff ? William Reiter ? Frederick Reppert ? Louis Reppert ? James Redding ? Rev. D. B. Reckard ? Daniel P. Reynolds ? Joseph Reynolds ? Levi Reynolds ? Ephriam Reynolds ? William Reynolds ? Ormes Reynolds ? Elisha Reynolds

[ Row Four ]

1861 — 1865

Louis Reynolds ? Andrew J. Reynolds ? Henry H. Reichard ? Frederick Rhoads ? William R. Rice ? Eli Riker ? Lafayette Riker ? George Riley ? George W. Riley ? Lewis B. Rising ? Tobias Ritter ? John F. Ripley ? William D. Roop ? Amos Roop ? Jacob C. Roop ? Charles Rose ? James Rose ? Peter Robert ? William A. Roebuck ? Ebinezer Roebuck ? William Roberts ? Alexander Robison ? William Robinold ? C. W. Rockwood ? John Rodenbush ? Dewitt C. Rugg ? Jay Rugg ? Jacob M. Rush ? James Rush ? William Ruby ? Elrey Ruble ? Jacob J. Runkle ? Jacob Rumple ? Jeremiah Russell ? William Russell ? John Russell ? William L. Ruggles ? John Ruttinger ? John Saurer ? John A. Sackett ? William Sackett ? Cyrus Sackett ? Samuel Sackett ? James Scott ? Hobert Scott ? John P. Scheer ? John J. Scheer ? Andrew W. Scoles ? Sylvester Scoles ? John Schock ? Henry J. Schmidt ? Henry A. Schmidt ? Henry Schnepp ? John Schaupp ? Hiram P. Sells ? Sanford A. Semore ? Peter Sether ? David Sellinger ? Timothy Shaw ? Samuel Shady ? Joseph Shady ? Samuel Shell ? Levi Shell ? Albert Shell ? Aaron Shick ? Benjamin W. Sholty ? Noah S. Sheets ? Dr. W. H. Shrock ? Jacob Shrank ? Albert Shaffer ? Isaac Shaffer ? John Shaffer

[ Row Five ]

1861 — 1865

Andrew Sheller ? Jacob A. Showers ? Abraham Sherman ? Thomas P. Shepherd ? Daniel K. Shackley ? Joseph Shoemaker ? Joseph Sims ? Peter W. Sipes ? Isaiah W. Sipes ? John C. Simsom ? Andrew J. Simcoke ? Andrew Slacher ? William Slusser ? John H. Smith ? John M. Smith ? John A. Smith ? John W. Smith ? James R. Smith ? James H. Smith ? Samuel Smith (1) ? Samuel Smith (2) ? Isaiah Smith ? Isaiah A. Smith ? Augustus Smith ? Augustus D. Smith ? Augustene P. Smith ? Robert E. Smith, Sen. ? Robert E. Smith, Jr. ? David W. Smith ? William W. Smith ? Jehu Smith ? Joseph W. Smith ? Isaac Smith ? Josiah Smith ? Eli Smith ? Theodore Smith ? Jacob Smith ? Thomas Smith ? Henry Smith ? Alexander Smith ? Jesse Smith ? David D. Smith ? Samuel C. Snyder ? Henry H. Snyder ? Franklin Snyder ? Theodore Snader ? Jacob Spade ? John Sphar ? Samuel Sprawl ? James Spencer ? Martin V. B. Spencer ? George Spuller ? Jacob Spuller ? Randall Sprague ? Sylvester Spangler ? David Steele ? John Steele ? James Steele ? Samuel Steele ? James H. Stults ? John Strate ? James Stoops, Jr. ? John Strode ? George Stevens ? William Stevens ? William H. Stutler ? John Stepler ? Samuel Strickler ? William Strickler ? John Strickler ? Emory Stockwell ? Charles Stephenson

[ Row Six ]

1861 — 1865

Theodore Summers ? Horrace Suddeth ? John M. Sulivan ? William Swank ? Alexander Swank ? James Swartz ? Joshua Swigart ? Jacob Swartentrube ? Wilson Tague ? Joseph Tague ? William Taylor ? Andrew J. Teeple ? George W. Teeple ? Thomas H. Teeple ? John P. Teeple ? Samuel Teeple ? James B. Teeple ? Henry B. Teeple ? Elias Teeple ? Jacob Tester ? George W. Thomas ? A.G. Thompson ? Robert H. Thompson ? Riley Thompson ? James R. Thompson ? Chr. B. Thorp ? John Thatcher ? John F. Tisron ? William Tom ? Henry Trim ? Prentis J. Tryon ? William Troxel ? Emanuael Tricker ? George Trimbel ? George W. Troutner ? James Turner ? Charles Tucker ? Samuel Tumbelson ? James R. Tumbelson ? John C. Tyndall ? Mathias Ullman ? Henry Urick ? Joseph Urick ? John Urick ? Daniel Urick ? Mark T. Vance ? Robert Vance ? M. P. Vance ? James Vananda ? James Vandermark ? William Veley ? Isaac W. Veley ? William Votaw ? J. M. Voorhees ? John Wade ? Henry Wafel ? W. W. Watts ? Arthur Watson ? John J. Watson ? George Watson ? William Walton ? Wilson C. Watkins ? Seth W. Watkins ? Truborn Watkins ? Elijah Walters ? Washington Walters ? David Warling ? J. A. Waldron ? James Wallace ? Isaac Waggoner ? Lewis S. Waggoner ? Martin Waggoner

[ Row Seven ]

1861 — 1865

Samuel Warbington ? James Washinton ? Martin Webb ? Harrod Weny ? Samuel Wert ? David T. Wells ? John T. Weimer ? Henry Weimer ? Henry C. Weimer ? Benjamin F. Weimer ? George W. Weimer ? John Welfly ? Frederick Felfly ? John Weible ? Jacob Weible ? William A. Wetter ? John Weiant ? Joel Weaver ? Jacob Wechter ? John W. Wenzler ? Michael J. Wertzberger ? John B. White ? Isaac Wheeler ? David Wheeler ? James Whipple ? Benjamin F. Whitten ? John Whitmore ? Perry Wise ? Peter Wise ? E. M. Wiswell ? John Will ? Covey L. Wilson ? James C. Wilson ? Gilbert Wilson ? William W. Wilson ? George Wilson ? Samuel Winans ? Benjamin B. Winans ? David Winget ? Joseph Wisler ? Rev. H. Theo. Wilken ? William A. Wisner ? William Wiley ? John H. Williams ? Christian Winkleman ? John Winkleman ? Benjamin F. Wood ? Henry Wood ? Jacob B. Wolf ? Emanuel Woods ? James Woodward ? George W. Woodward ? Elmer Woodruff ? Jacob Wyre ? David W. Wynn ? John Yant ? John Yager ? Jacob Yager ? Albert Yager ? Custave Yager ? John Yost ? Andrew Young ? Jacob Young ? Enos W. Yocum ? Mathias Yoder ? William Zerkle ? Joseph Zediker ? Eli Zimmerman ? Humphrey Coffee ? A. L. Forrey ? Geo. V. Kirsch ? David & Daniel Meyer

[ Row Eight ]

Spanish American War

John D. Andrews ? Lewis E. Andrews ? Lesslie B. Andrews ? Henry S. Ashbaucher ? Charles E. Ault ? John C. Ault ? Jason P. Baker ? Edward Barber ? Edward Barnett ? William A. Barkley ? Charles E. Barnhart ? Roman Barthell ? Harry E. Bell ? Charles Beery ? Dallas E. Blossom ? Rollins T. Bobo ? George Bowers ? Arthur O. Bollinger ? Charles Brothers ? Harvey E. Broadbeck ? John Brandyberry ? Emerson H. Burch ? Gerorge W. Burrell ? William E. Bushnell ? Cladd Burkhead ? James S. Buchanan ? James O. Chilcoat ? Edward M. Closs ? George Conrad ? Arthur P. Cutting ? Arlie DeVoss ? S. C. Edington ? George H. Everetts ? Amos Fisher ? Jonas Fisher ? William Foreman ? John L. Frank ? Burton Fuller ? Edward Fulton ? John Gass ? William Galt ? John W. Garwood ? Frank Gessinger ? John H. Good ? Lorenzo Gorden ? John Hall ? James Z. Hakes ? John G. Hanna ? Alfred Hahnert ? Jacob Hess ? Charles W. Hower ? William Hurst ? John H. Hurst ? Scott Hughes ? James F. Hudson ? Thomas J. Johnson ? John D. Kern ? Charles Kitson ? Benton Knoff ? Jasper C. Lee ? John M. Lenhart ? Robert B. Lipes ? Charles Lord ? Michael Lord ? Edward B. Macy ? Lloyd McIntosh ? Leonard McKenzie

[ Row Nine ]

Spanish American War

Edmund P. Miller ? Arthur Miller ? Craig Miller ? Charles E. Mumma ? Richard D. Myers ? Harvey E. Myers ? William Noll ? Charles T. Omlor ? French Parrish ? Frank Peterson ? Robert S. Peterson, Jr. ? Charles S. Peterson ? Eli W. Peterson ? Harry M. Quinn ? Lewis E. Rape ? Samuel Railing ? Daniel Railing ? Frederick G. Reed ? Harry Reichart ? Joseph E. Rich ? Jesse B. Roop ? Chancey Roop ? Lorin Roop ? Frank Ruby ? Arthur Russell ? Millard Russell ? Louis Sampson ? Samuel Schiedegger ? Samuel L. Simms ? George R. Smith ? Frank L. Smith ? Harland Steele ? Isaiah Suman ? David E. Studabaker ? Edward Touhey ? William Tucker ? Henry Tyndall ? Frederick Vaughn ? John W. Watkins ? William A. Waggoner ? Charles M. Wey ? Oliver Werst ? Schuyler Weimer ? Claud W. Whitcomb ? David Williams ? Roy Wolford ? Charles Woodward

Mexican War

Russell P. Enos ? Nuss C. Largent ? Elisha Leasure ? James M. Luckey ? Isaac H. Rose ? Conrad Reinking ? Lewis Vine ? B. B. Winans

War of 1812

John Grim ? Henry Martz ? Andrew Hoskinson ? Joseph Shackley ? Peter Studabaker

[[ Obverse Side of Memorial ]]

[ Left Section ]

To the Glory of our Country

and in loving memory of

our Soldier Heroes

[ Center Section ]

To the women of our Nation

as a tribute to their

Courage, Devotion, and Sacrifice

Marker is at the intersection of Court Street and South 3rd Street, on the right when traveling west on Court Street.


Credits and Sources: