African American Business District - Doric Lodge No. 18 (F. & A.

In this block a thriving African American business district stood for over 100 years. Restaurants, barber and beauty shops, medical and dental offices, and retail shops drew patrons from Boyle and nearby counties. Until razed by urban renewal in 1973, the district was a center of local African American social and economic life.


Danville's Doric Lodge No. 18 was founded 1888 as Boyle Association and moved to this site in 1920. For 50 years, the lodge was a cultural and social center of the African American community of Boyle County. Donations of $1,000 by each of ten members of the brotherhood secured a loan enabling construction of building in 1920. Over.

Marker is on 2nd Street, on the right when traveling north.


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