African American Pioneers of the Marsh-Warthen-Clements House

The Marsh-Warthen-Clements House was hand built by enslaved African Americans in an African cultural style known as the "Shot Gun." Slaves traveled with Marsh from North Carolina and Covington, Georgia to LaFayette. African Americans served in the Marsh House, circa 1836 to the 1990s. In 1850, Marsh owned 12 slaves. In 1860, he owned eight slaves that lived in two slave houses. One of Marsh's beloved slaves was Wiley Marsh, a mulatto born circa 1834-1835. Wiley Marsh became a skilled carpenter, preacher, farmer and valued member of the Trion Factory in LaFayette communities. In 1863, Spencer Marsh refugeed to Cassville having time to take only his wife, buggy, and two of his slaves, Clinton and Charlotte. In 1900, Spencer's daughter, S.A. (Addie) Marsh-Warthen, lived in the house. Her servants lived in the servants' quarters with their children. Their names were: Julia Whitehead, age 34: Anna Allgood, age 36: Edward Allgood, age 11: Rosie L. Allgood, age 9: Marshall Allgood, age 6: Lucile Allgood, age 3 and James Allgood, age 1.

This property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places by United States Department of the Interior

Marker is on Main Street (State Highway 1 / 136), on the right when traveling north.


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