Al Ameer Restaurant

Established in 1989 by Khalil Ammar and his business partner Zaki Hashem, Al Ameer Restaurant is a long-time fixture for authentic Lebanese cuisine and was one of the first Middle Eastern restaurants in the area. In 2016, Al Ameer was honored with the James Beard America’s Classics Award, given to recognize establishments with timeless appeal.

For more than a century, Arab immigrants have brought with them their foods, culinary practices, and dining traditions. Over time, some Arabic foods such as hummus, falafel and pita bread have been adapted and adopted into American cuisine, and are now available in every large grocery store in America. Al Ameer’s success represents how America has embraced Arabic flavors and ingredients.

At Al Ameer, and many other restaurants around Dearborn, you will see signs indicating that halal food is served. In this context, halal refers to the acceptability of a certain food with respect to Muslim dietary traditions.  Other than proscriptions against eating pork, halal meat must be butchered in a specific way according to religious practice. Making meat halal includes invoking the name of God and draining the blood from the animal, much like the kosher process. In fact, early Muslim immigrants to the U.S. would buy meat from kosher butchers before they had their own halal meat producers.

Credits and Sources:

"Al Ameer Restaurant – About," 2016,

"Dearborn’s Al Ameer Restaurant Wins James Beard Award," February 24, 2016,