All Veterans Memorial

The Corridor of Flags outlines BNSF Railway Plaza leading to the All Veterans Memorial. The unique sculpture represents the flame of liberty, embodying the American ideals of freedom and democracy. It is erected in tribute to the members of America's Armed Forces, past, present, and future, who defend our nation and safeguard liberty and freedom throughout the world.

Honor • Freedom • Dignity • Unity • Vigilance • Faith • Courage • Diversity

Defend Our Nation • Promote Peace • Vanquish Tyranny • Preserve Freedom

Kansas Medal of Honor Recipients

"The Bravest of the Brave"

Four is a repeating theme of the sculpture, including the elements: Earth: represented by black granite, symbolizes a solid foundation and the blank slate on which we will inscribe our future. Water: giver and substance of life, the flow of time, and reflection of heaven. Fire: enduring symbol of liberty, rebirth, renewal, and hope, bringing light into darkness. Wind: life force movement, the uplifting of the spirit.

Marker is on NW Railroad Street near NW Curtis Street, on the left when traveling west.


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