All Wars Memorial

[Marker's West Face]:


to the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice, and in honor of all who served their country in time of need.




[Marker's South Face]:

The Purple Heart is America's oldest military decoration, It was established and designed by General George Washington on August 7, 1782, then called the Badge of Military Merit.

On Febuary 22, 1932, the Army War Department revived this award as the "Purple Heart" and on December 3, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt extended the Purple Heart Decoration to the Navy, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard effective December 6, 1941. On November 12, 1952 the award eligibility was retroactively extended to April 5, 1917, to cover World War I.

Eligibilty requirements today for the Puprle Heart are to any member of the Armed Force or any Civilian National of the United States who while serving in any capacity with one of the United States Armed Forces, has been wounded or killed, or who has died or may hereafter die after being wounded in action against an enemy of the United States.

A Purple Heart will be issued to the next of kin of each person entitled to a posthumous award.

[Marker's East Face]:

Dedicated to the American prisoners of war and those missing in action


You are not forgotten

"When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today."

[Marker's North Face]:

The Highest award our county bestows for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.

The Medal of Honor

South Carolina Recipients

Anderson, Webster •

Atkins, Thomas E. •

Barker, Charles H. •

Dozier, James C. •

Foster, Gary Evans •

Hall, Thomas Lee •

Heriot, James D. •

ilton, Richmond H. •

Kennedy, John T. •

Knight, Noah O. •

Mabry, George L. Jr. •

McWhorter, William A. •

Smith, Furman L. •

Stowers, Freddie •

Villepigue, John C. •

Williams, Charles Q. •

Elliot, Middleton Stuart •

Floyd, Edward •

Howe, James D. •

Kennemore, Robert S. •

McGinty, John J. III •

Moffett, William A. •

Owens, Robert Allen •

Sullivan, Daniel Augustus Joseph •

Thornton, Michael Edwin •

Truesdell, Donald Leroy •

Watkins, Lewis G. •

Wheeler, George Huber •

Williams, James E.

These uncommonly courageous men hold the highest award a grateful nation bestows for valor on the battlefield. They are revered from the highest offices in the land. They should be known by the people.

Marker is on Line Street (State Highway 101), on the left when traveling south.


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