Allande Footbridge

Memorial to Pedro Allande, first resident commander of the Royal Presidio of Tucson and energetic captain of the Mexican Dragoons, regular Spanish army. Near this site he was wounded severely in his right leg during the attack of May 1, 1782, by 600 warrior Apaches. He dragged himself around the circuit of sentry posts and continued to direct the defense of Tucson with only 20 presidial soldiers, saving the infant settlement from total destruction.

Spanish Translation:

Puente de Allande

Memorial a Pedro Allande, primer residente comandante del Real Presidio de Tucson y capitán energico de los Dragones de México. Caído cerca de este sitio con graves heridas en la pierna derecha en el ataque inmortal de Mayo 1, 1782, por 600 guerreros Apaches, arrastrándose por el circuitode centinelas siguió dirigiendo la defense de Tucson con solo 20 solados presidiales, salvando así el nuevo pueblo del exterminio total.

Marker can be reached from West Congress Street.


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