American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial Wall of Honor


American Merchant Marine Veterans

Veterans Memorial

Wall of Honor

Dedication: National Maritime Day, May 22, 2003

[List of state and local government officials]

Gene Frank Construction, Builder

Randall B. Montgomery, Engraver

Jerry Sturm, JSA, Design Architect

American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial Committee, Inc.

[Lists of Officers, Directors, Committee Members and Advisers]

[Lists of "Platinum," "Gold" and "Silver" Contributors]

[Additional inscriptions on Honor Roll panels:]

The committee offers its sincerest thanks to Captain Arthur R. Moore for allowing us to use his book, A Careless Word ... a Needless Sinking as a reference guide for this memorial wall, and his invaluable assistance in editing our lists, as well as for the many years of difficult research he spent compiling these records.

The names on the memorial walls are the results of several sources of information, but probably not complete. As we are made aware of additional names, we will add those names to the walls in a separate section of these walls of honor. We are also aware that there are many unidentified and unknown merchant mariners who were lost in service to their country aboard merchant ships who will never be identified. This memorial honors the memory of these unknown heroes.

Marker can be reached from S. Harbor Blvd. north of W. 6th St..


Credits and Sources: