America’s Most Famous Cannon

[ East face ]

The American Revolution

1775 • • • 1783

“America’s Most Famous Cannon”

Sept. 21, 1780 • John Jacob Peterson of African descent • and Moses Sherwood of Van Cortlandt 3rd West, Militia took it to Croton Pt. and fired on the • Vulture • causing it to abandon Major Andre the British spy who was captured trying to escape through American territory.

• 1952 • Presented to Peekskill Museum by Paul I. Bleakley •

[ North face ]


Moses Sherwood

1761 • • • 1867

Buried in Sparta Cemetery • Ossining, NY

2nd NY Regt. • 4th NY Regt. • Hammonds, NY Regt.

[ West face ]

“The Traitors’ Trail of Treason • • 1779 • • • 1780”

May 23, 1779 • Gen. Benedict Arnold contacts Sir Henry Clinton, British Commander. He has decided to desert the American Army. He corresponds with Major Andre and conspires to Surrender Gen. Washington and West Point.

Aug 23, 1780 • Washington gives Arnold command of West Point. Arnold weakens the defenses of the fort.

Sept. 20, 1780 • Andre sails up the Hudson on the Vulture to meet Arnold.

Sept. 21, 1780 • John Peterson fires the cannon • the Vulture retreats

Sept. 22, 1780 • Major Andre escapes through Peekskill • Yorktown • Bedford

Sept 23, 1780 • Andre is captured in Tarrytown with plans of West Point.

Oct 2, 1780 • Andre is hung as a spy in Tappan, NY.

[ South face ]


John Jacob Peterson

1746 • • • 1850

Buried in Bethel Cemetery • Croton, NY

2nd NY Regt. • 3rd West. Militia • Van Renssalaer, NY Regt.

1st. Annual Peekskill Patriots Day

Cannon Remounted by the Moshier Family of Peekskill

Descendants of John Jacob Peterson

Marker is on Union Avenue near 1st Street, on the right when traveling south.


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