Anderson Lake County Park

Long before nearby Coyote Creek was dammed to form the reservoir in 1950, people were drawn to its cool shade and clear flowing water. In 2006 an ancient burial site

was unearthed during construction of homes across the street from this park. First recorded as the Ojo de Aqua de la Coche Spanish land grant, the land was

purchased by John Cochrane in 1869. Cattle and crops followed as the local population grew. After his widow Aphelia Farmington Cochrane died in 1949, the Santa Clara Valley Water District purchased land along the creek. The Cochrane's granddaughter, Gladys Jackson, lived on the ranch until her death in 1984. Her will

deeded the land to the California Pioneers of Santa Clara County, who later passed the land to the County.

One summer, Sunday School teacher Isola Kennedy escorted five boys in her class to Island Dell, part of the creek now submerged under the lake. The boys were splashing in the water when a mountain lion suddenly attacked two of the children. Without hesitating, the teacher picked up a stick and rushed to help. The lion turned, pinning Isola to the ground. The young boys found a surveyor, Jack Conlan, who ran to her assistance as she was defending herself with a stick and a long hat pin. He fired his shotgun and clubbed the cat on the head, but was unable

to stop the vicious attack. He ran back to his camp and returned with a rifle. Shot twice, the beast once again sank its teeth and claws into Isola before it died. Physicians believed that Isola would recover from her near-fatal injuries, but the cat had

rabies. That entire summer brave heroine Isola Kennedy suffered. She died on September 10, 1909 and was buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Morgan Hill.

The park includes the Coyote Creek Parkway, where multi-use trails offer year-round bicycle, hiking and equestrian access. Winding past the ruins of an old stone winery, a popular golf course and small lakes, the trail follows the creek North West into San Jose and offers an unspoiled view of natural diversity for all visitors.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Cochrane Road and San Rafael Street, on the right when traveling west.


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