Andrew County

Andrew County, organized 1841, is one of 6 counties in the Indian Platte Purchase Territory annexed to Missouri, 1837. Named for Andrew Jackson Davis, St. Louis editor, the county was first settled in the middle 1830’s. Pioneers were from Ohio, Ind., Tenn., Ky., Va., and other parts of Missouri.

Savannah, the county seat, was laid out in 1841. First briefly called Union, it was renamed for Savannah, Ga., The Platte Co. R. R. (C. B. & Q.) reached therein 1860, and today’s Chicago, Great Western in late 1880’s. In the post Civil War years, the town grew as shipping point and trading center.

A divided county during the Civil War, Andrew sent troops to both sides. In Aug., 1861, some 1500 from Andrew and other counties joined the pro-Southern Mo. State Guard at Camp Highly in eastern Andrew County while others joined a large Union camp in adjacent Gentry County. In 1861, Union troops seized “Northwest Democrat,” a pro-Southern newspaper, in Savannah and troops from Camp Highly seized the “Plain Dealer,” Union newspaper. Raiding guerrilla bands overran the county through 1863.

(see other side)

Andrew County’s glacial plains support fertile livestock, grain, and fruit farms. In the county are One Hundred and Two and Platte rivers and forming its west border are the Nodaway and Missouri. In 1804 the Lewis and Clark Expedition camped on an island at mouth of the Nodaway and members of fur trader Wilson P. Hunt’s 1811 Astorian expedition wintered near the river’s mouth.

Among county towns are Amazonia, once on the Missouri River, now inland, laid out in 1857 near site of Nodaway City, early river port; Fillmore, 1845; Whitesville, 1848; Rochester, 1848; Bolckow, 1868; Rosendale, 1869; Rea, 1877; Helena, 1878; and Cosby, 1882.

Andrew County is birthplace of Nellie Tayloe Ross, the first gov. of Wyo., 1925-1927, first Woman Dir. U.S. Mint; Joseph K. Toole (1851-1929) first Gov. of Mont.; W. Elmer Holt, Gov. Mont. 1935; Edwin W. Toole (1839 – 1905) noted Mont. Lawyer; Eugene W. Caldwell (1870 – 1918)noted roentgenologist. In Savannah lived John P. Altgeld, Gov. of Ill. 1893-97; Henry S. Kelly (1832 – 1911) legal textbook writer; James P. Somerville, one of founders of Sertoma Clubs International.


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