Arcadia Christian Church

The town of Arcadia was established on the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Railroad in 1890. This church was organized in 1894 and represents the oldest surviving church in the community. Initial services were held by the Rev. T. Patterson in a building shared with the local Methodist church. The building was destroyed by a tornado about 1909, prompting Arcadia Christian to build its first sanctuary on a town lot in 1910.

Except for a brief period during World War II, the church experienced steady growth, and in 1955 the congregation built a new brick church building. A steam locomotive bell donated by the Santa Fe Railway Company in 1961 was placed in the sanctuary belfry.

The congregation continued to grow and in 1983 a new sanctuary was erected at this site. Included in the new facility was an office complex and a library. the former brick sanctuary was later converted for use as classrooms and a small chapel.

The church is notable for the number of its young members that have entered fields of Christian service. the congregation supports several ministries and bible colleges and is active in local and foreign outreach programs. Arcadia Christian Church continues to provide spiritual guidance for the community.

Marker is at the intersection of Beriton Street and Beriton Street & Frost Street, on the right when traveling east on Beriton Street.


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