Army of Northern Virginia

July 5, 1863

The Army on the march to the Potomac. Hill's Corps had the advance. Longstreet's the centre. Ewell's the rear. Hood's Division Longstreet's Corps started after sunrise. Early's Division Ewell's Corps started near noon and formed the rear guard. Fitz Lee's and Hampton's Brigades of Cavalry Stuart's Division the later under Col. Baker marched via Cahstown and Greenwood en route to Williamsport. Chambliss's and Jenkins's Brigades of Cavalry under General Stuart marched via Emmitsburg. Robertson's and Jones's Brigade of Cavalry held the Jack Mountain Passes. Imboden's Brigade of mounted infantry in charge of the wagon trains reached Greencastle in the morning and Williamsport in the afternoon.

Marker is on West Confederate Avenue, on the right when traveling south.


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