Army of Northern Virginia

June 27, 1863

Headquarters of the Army moved from Greencastle to Chambersburg Penna. Rodes's and Johnson's Divisions Ewell's Corps arrived at Carlisle. Early's Division marched from Mummasburg via Hunterstown, New Chester and Hampton to Berlin. Gordon's Brigade Early's Division reached York. McLaws's Division Longstreet's Corps marched from Williamsport via Hagerstown, Middleburg and Greencastle to five miles south of Chambersburg. Hood's Division reached Chambersburg and Pickett's Division marched three miles further north. Anderson's Division Hill's Corps marched via Chambersburg to Fayetteville Penna. Heth's and Pender's Divisions Hill's Corps to the same place by other routes. Hampton's, Chambliss's and Fitz Lee's Brigades Stuart's Cavalry Division marched from Wolf Run Shoals on Occoquan River via Fairfax Station, Annandale and Dranesville Virginia and crossed the Potomac into Maryland below Seneca Creek. Robertson's and Jones's Brigades Stuart's Division remained in Virginia to guard the passes of the Blue Ridge.

Marker is on West Confederate Avenue, on the right when traveling south.


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