Army of Northern Virginia

June 30, 1863

Heth's Division Hill's Corps at Cashtown. Pettigrew's Brigade Heth's Division marched nearly to Gettysburg but was recalled. Pender's Division Hill's Corps marched from Fayetteville to Cashtown. Anderson's Division Hill's Corps remained at Fayetteville.

Rodes's Division Ewell's Corps marched from Carlisle via Petersburg to Heidlersburg. Johnson's Division Ewell's Corps marched from Greenville to Scotland Penna. Early's Division Ewell's Corps returned from York via Weiglestown and East Berlin and encamped three miles from Heidlersburg.

Pickett's Division Longstreet's Corps remained at Chambersburg guarding wagon trains. McLaws's and Hood's Divisions Longstreet's Corps marched from there to Fayetteville except Law's Brigade which was sent to New Guilford.

Stuart's Cavalry Division marched from Union Mills MD. via Hanover to Jefferson and had a fight at Hanover Penna. with Kilpatrick's Third Cavalry Division.

Marker is on West Confederate Avenue, on the right when traveling south.


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