Army of Northern Virginia

July 1, 1863

Heth's and Pender's Divisions Hill's Corps marched from Cashtown to Gettysburg. Anderson's Division Hill's Corps marched from Fayetteville via Cashtown to near Gettysburg.

Rodes's Division Ewell's Corps marched from Heidlersburg via Middletown to Gettysburg. Early's Division Ewell's corps to Heidlersburg and thence by way of the direct road to Gettysburg. Johnson's Division Ewell's Corps from Scotland via Cashtown to Gettysburg.

Pickett's Division Longstreet's Corps remained with the wagon trains at Chambersburg. McLaw's and Hood's Divisions Longstreet's Corps except Law's Brigade on outpost duty at New Guilford marched from Fayetteville to Marsh Creek within four miles of Gettysburg.

Stuart's Cavalry Division marched from Jefferson via Dover and Dillsburg to Carlisle. Robertson's and Jones's Brigades of Cavalry crossed the Potomac at Williamsport and marched to Greencastle Penna.

Marker is on West Confederate Avenue, on the right when traveling south.


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