Army of the Ohio

Major General Don Carlos Buell


Army of the Ohio.

Major General Don Carlos Buell.

Second Division, Brig. Gen. Alex McD. McCook.

Fourth Division, Brig. Gen. William Nelson.

Fifth Division, Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden.

Sixth Division, Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood.

The advance of the Army of the Ohio arrived at Savannah, Tenn. from Nashville April 5, 1862. Nelson's Division marched on Sunday, April 6, up the east side of the Tennessee River to a point opposite Pittsburg Landing. At 5 p.m. Ammen's Brigade was brought over the river and assisted in repelling the last attack made by the Confederates upon the Union lines. The remainder of General Nelson's Division and General Crittenden's Division arrived on the field during Sunday night. McCook's Division arrived early Monday morning. Wagner's Brigade of General Wood's Division arrived at 12 noon; Garfield's Brigade about 3 o'clock P.m., too late to take part in the battle.

In the attack upon the Confederates on Monday the Army of the Ohio occupied the left of the Union line; McCook's Division on the Corinth Road, Nelson's Division on the left and Crittenden's Division in the center. When Wood's Division came upon the field it took position between McCook and Crittenden.

The Confederates were driven back until about 4 p.m. when they retired from the field.

The Army of the Ohio had engaged, including Wagner's Brigade, present for duty, officers and men, 17,918.

Its casualties were, killed 241, wounded 1807, missing 55, Total 2103.

Marker is on Corinth-Pittsburg Landing Road, on the right when traveling south.


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